
Venue: Kunstnernes Hus
Akademirommet: A Collective Endeavour
Fredrik Bakke, Ylva Kemi, Peter Horneland Within academia, plagiarism by students, professors or researchers considered cheating or… more >

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Designstudenter gjør ting de ikke kan – Vol. 3
Suksessen fra i fjor fortsetter! MA1 grafisk design og illustrasjon har skrevet historier som skal vises på scenen, nærmere bestemt scene… more >

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Travelling exhibition: Double Bind
Time: Opening exhibition 21 Januar Thursday at 6 pm - 10 pmThe exhibition will be open until yhursday 4 FebruaryPlace: Galleri 3, Oslo… more >

Venue: Kunstnernes Hus
CANCELLED! Akademirommet: Beatrice von Bismarck
We regret to inform you that the lecture by Beatrice von Bismarck scheduled for tonight, January 29th is unfortunately cancelled due to… more >

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Open Lecture: Adriane Colburn
The Art and Craft department has the pleasure to present an artist talk by the american artist Adriane Colburn. Colburn has during the… more >

Venue: Kunstnernes Hus
Akademirommet: Anna Daniell - The Flock of Problems
I am happy to invite you to sit down and look at (my) sculptures (the Flock of Problems) for 4 minutes and 30 seconds. You will listen… more >

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Gabrielle Paré: The New Singers
Galleri Seilduken is proud to present the first exhibition of the year, "The New Singers" by Gabrielle Paré. Don't miss the opening on… more >

Venue: Kunstnernes Hus
Debate with Lina Lapelytė at Off the Page festival
Time: January 23 Saturday at 6.30 pm - 7.30 pm Place: Kunstnernes Hus, Wergelandsveien 17 For information in English please see Off… more >

Venue: Rådhusgalleriet
Kjøkkenhåndkle med hæl
En dag strikket hun et hvitt bomullshåndkle i rutemønster, og midt i håndkleet felte hun inn en sokkehæl. Minnene om helfellingen satt i… more >

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Poethical Reading Sessions by Valentina Desideri and Denise Ferreira da Silva
The person or group should come to the session with a political question to be read. A ‘political question’ is any problem, issue, or… more >

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Welcome to experience the live-installations by MA students from Interior Architecture & Furniture Design and… more >

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Academy Lectures: Lina Lapelyte
Lina Lapelytė explores contemporary forms of performativity that are related to a genre of new opera and performance in a context of… more >

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
A Workshop on Reading by Valentina Desideri and Denise Ferreira da Silva
Oslo Academy of Art together with Rupert invite you to join A Workshop On Reading led by Valentina Desideri and Denise Ferreira da… more >

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Forelesning med Carolina Laudon
Skriftdesigneren Carolina Laudon kommer til Kunsthøgskolen denne uka for å holde en workshop med masterstudentene i grafisk design og… more >

Venue: Kunstnernes Hus
Seminar: Our digital selves
The theme of this first Agenda seminar in 2016 is the continuous and rapid development of (digital) technologies, and how this ubiquitous… more >

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Forelesning med Samuel Nyholm
Han har hållit på med film, grafisk design, musik, performance och scenografi. Han inledde sin karriär i det svensk-schweiziska… more >

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Love and Magic
The Opera students invite you to a night of Opera scenes from well-known works: “Eugene Onegin” by Tchaikovsky “Hänsel und Gretel” by… more >
Public defence

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Disputas: Annelise Bothner-By
Interiørarkitekt MNIL Annelise Bothner-By forsvarer sitt forskningsarbeid Møter i utstillingsrommet i disputas på Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo… more >

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Jakten på 3. etg.
In Norwegian

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Pre-see MA2 Fashion & costume
Avgangsstudenter ved masterprogrammet i klær- og kostyme inviterer til visning av prosess-skisser av masterprosjektene sine. Dette vil ta… more >

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Visning av arbeider
Masterstudentene i medium- og materialbasert kunst viser arbeider i galleri Seilduken i forbindelse med Åpen skole 2015.

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
(en opplevelse)
Welcome to a happening you will not forget. The location is the Cathedral Gallery (near the main entrance) at the Academy's premises in… more >

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
14,8 x 21
Two students are sending out invitations by post to Norwegian artists and artists studying at The Academy of Fine Art in Oslo. Invited… more >

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Open Academy
Fra 8.-11. desember åpner Kunsthøgskolen dørene og inviterer fremtidige søkere og alle andre interesserte på besøk!

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Stage 4

Venue: Stage 3
In Norwegian

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Working presentation
On Thursday 10th December the Master choreography students will present work developed in connection with a three-week workshop on… more >

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Kostyme- og scenografiforum: Svein Hofseth Hovland
Høstens siste kostyme- og scenografiforum har tittelen Scenografi i samspill med skuespiller og publikum, og er et foredrag av Svein… more >

Venue: Galleri VIS
Lansering av reiseguide
Denne høsten har andreklasse på grafisk design og illustrasjon startet et reisebyrå litt utenom det vanlige. Resultatet kan du se i… more >

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Avgangsstudentene ved bachelorstudiet i klesdesign inviterer til en visning av deres «pre-kolleksjon» i samarbeid med studenter fra… more >

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Kostymedesign presenterer
Kostyme BA3 inviterer til utstilling i forbindelse med Åpen skole 9. desember. Arrangementet på Facebook. Vi vil gi dere et innsyn i… more >

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Åpen workshop: «Work In Progress»
MA2-studentene i klesdesign og kostymedesign inviterer til åpen workshop i forbindelse med Åpen skole. De ønsker å gi publikum innsyn i… more >

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
ESSENCE er et prosjekt i andre klasse på bachelor i klesdesign og kostymedesign, hvor elevene studerer sin egen bakgrunn eller et tema… more >

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Blå begynnelse
1BA klesdesign og kostymedesign viser klær fra prosjektet "Blå begynnelse", der Michael Nybråten har vært gjesteveileder. Dørene åpner… more >

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
We Bleed the Same Color
Shi Pratt, master student in Choreography, show her new work We Bleed the Same Color December 1 and 2. Free entry, no ticket… more >

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Orestien by Aiskylos
In Norwegian Stage 6

Venue: Kunstnernes Hus
Let's wait for the group: Still waiting
Årets siste arrangement på Akademirommet viser utstilling og performance av Ksenia Aksenova, Anna Daniell, Agnieszka Golaszewska, Ray… more >

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Forelesning med Graham Harman
Tirsdag 1. desember holder filosof Graham Harman en åpen forelesning i auditoriet. Forelesningen er et samarbeid mellom Kunstakademiet og… more >

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Academy Lectures 25/11/2015: Nienke Terpsma & Rob Hamelijnck
Artists, Anarchists and Watchmakers—a research into early anarchist publishing As a basis for our presentation we will take a number of… more >

Venue: Dansens Hus
Nordisk partitur

Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Academy Lectures 04.11.15: Angie Keefer
ANGIE KEEFERFrom a Window The first stable photograph exists but isn’t visible. Originally commissioned by Witte de With in Rotterdam… more >
Venue: Black Box Teater
Cosmic Body - Research Fellow Ingri Fiksdal
Book tickets http://www.billettservice.no/search/?keyword=Cosmic+Body
Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Four day seminar: Printmaking in the expanded field
Printmaking has changed radically the last 20 years and the result is a cross pollination of art forms. A four day seminar on September… more >
Venue: The National Theatre
"Strategier for en lysere fremtid" - Angelina Josephine Stojčevska, Master Theater Directing
Performance in Norwegian. Place: Malersalen, Nationaltheatret from September 12, 2015. Actors: Olav Waastad, Gisken Armand, Kjersti… more >
Venue: Kunstnernes Hus
Gult lilla grønt
Gult lilla grønt er del av Janne-Camilla Lysters stipendiatprosjekt ved Balletthøgskolen, og den første soloen, etter et nytt… more >
Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Classical ballet
Venue: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Måken: En variasjon
This performance is in Norwegian.