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Semesterstart 2022. Foto: Tilde Wahl Hansen og Håvard Andreas Krogstad Johansen.
Semesterstart 2022. Foto: Tilde Wahl Hansen og Håvard Andreas Krogstad Johansen.

Apply for admission

Information about admission to the Bachelor's and Master's programmes at Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO).

Important notice! The Norwegian Government has introduced tuition fees for foreign students from outside the EU/EAA from the academic year 2023/2024. Please see Tuition fee for more information.

Bachelor's programmes

All our Bachelor's programmes are taught in Norwegian, except for Bachelor's programme in Classical Ballet. For more information about our Norwegian taught Bachelor's programmes, please see the information on our websites in Norwegian. 

Higher Education Entrance Qualification

The general basis for admission to the Bachelor's programmes are Higher Education Entrance Qualification (Norwegian: generell studiekompetanse/GSK) and entrance exams. The academic qualifications are specified in the study plan for the individual programme.

You have to meet the general admission requirements and document proficiency in the Norwegian language in order to be eligible for admission. You can find information on the general requirements on the GSU-list.

Admission information per study program

Bachelor’s programme in Classical Ballet

Application deadline

20 February 2025 (23:59 CET)

Two months before the application deadline, admission information is updated on our website, and the application portal 'Søknadsweb' opens for registration and document uploads.

Admission requirements

Admission to the programme is based on audition results and Higher Education Entrance Qualification (Norwegian: generell studiekompetanse/GSK), and applicants who qualify via participation in the final at the international ballet competitions Prix de Lausanne and Youth America Grand Prix. Applicants are ranked on the basis of the results of the entrance examinations and competitions and is assessed by the same admissions committee.

In the admission process the emphasis will be primarily on dance skills, ability to communicate, potential for development, personal qualities, and physical health condition in relation to the high demands required of today’s ballet dancers.

The language of instruction is Norwegian, but special teaching arrangements are provided for English speaking students. All applicants must be proficient in English.

Exceptions to the requirement for the Higher Education Entrance Qualification (Norwegian: generell studiekompetanse/GSK) apply to applicants who meet special academic requirements set by the programme.

All qualified applicants will be ranked.

Required documents

You must upload the following documents in PDF format (max. 15 MB per file) to the application portal Søknadsweb:

Documents Comments
Documentation of citizenship

File name: 
Upload a photo of your passport or National ID card. 
Documentation of your education 
File name: 
Upload your diploma from primary or secondary school.

If you will complete primary/secondary school in June 2025, upload your transcript from December 2024/January 2025.

If you do not have GSK yet and are applying based on an exemption, include a note in the extra information field in Søknadsweb.
Proof of proficiency in Norwegian/English

File name:
norwegian.pdf / english.pdf
Applicable to those with foreign secondary education from countries outside the Nordic region.

For more information, take a look on the website regarding language requirements.

File name:
Certificates from dance instructors should include the teacher's assessment of your suitability for professional education in classical ballet.

Compile all certificates into a single PDF document.
File name:
You must upload the following pictures in a PDF document:
  1. First Arabesque, min. 90° right and left side.
  2. A la Seconde, min. 90° right and left side.
  3. Full figure (First position, en face).
  4. Portrait. Your face must be clearly visible, allowing the admissions committee to easily recognize you.
Video Links
File name:
(Video approximately 15 minutes in total)
Upload a document with links of videos you have uploaded on YouTube, Vimeo, or a similar platform.

The video links must remain accessible throughout the entire admission period.

You can check 'Hidden' if you do not want the video to be searchable by others.

The video should include 7 segments as described in the following file:
Admissions form

File name:
Fill out the 'Admissions Form BA Classical Ballet 2025'and upload it to Søknadsweb.

Admission process and important dates

Activity Date Description
Application deadline February 20 at 23:59 CET  Deadline for registration and uploading of required documents.
First admissions round Week 7-8 The admissions committee reviews all uploaded application documents.
The admissions committee assesses which candidates advance to second round
Invitation After week 8 Invitation sent to candidates that advance to second round
Second admissions round 21. March  Physical admission tests at the school. The admissions committee assesses which candidates advance to third round.
Third admissions round 22. March Physical admission tests at the school. The admissions committee evaluates which candidates will be given an enrolment offer.

Master's programmes

The Master's programmes at KHiO ar taught in Norwegian and/or English. More information about the specific language requirements can be found in the curriculum for the study programme.

General admission requirements

For admission to a Master's programme, you need to have:

  • obtained Bachelor's degree or equivalent education
  • specialization of a minimum of 80 credits within the subject area of ​​the Master's programme 

The general basis for admission to the Master's programmes are general admission requirements and entrance exams. The academic qualifications are specified in the study plan for the individual study programme. 

You will find more specific information about the admission requirements for each Master's programme in the list below.

If you complete your Bachelor’s degree during the year of application, you must upload a transcript of records showing how far you have progressed in your studies.

You do not need to upload documentation of education completed at KHiO.

Application without a Bachelor's degree

If you do not have a bachelor's degree but can document relevant work experience (realkompetanse), you can still apply for our program. "Realkompetanse" is assessed individually based on your work experience, education, and other relevant qualifications. Please upload all necessary documentation demonstrating your realkompetanse in Søknadsweb, and include a note in the comments section stating that you are applying based on "realkompetanse".

For more information on the requirements for "realkompetanse" and how to document this, please see our website or contact our admissions office.

Admission information per study programme

Master’s programme in Choreography

Application deadline

Application deadline: 2. December 2024 (23:59 CET).

Admission requirements

The Master’s programme is based on a three-year Bachelor’s degree in Choreography or Dance (180 ECTS credits) or other relevant education. Applicants must document a minimum of 80 ECTS credits from disciplines that are relevant to the Master’s degree.

Applicants must also document their choreographic practice. Applicants with a lower content of dance-related or choreographic subjects in their degree may also apply for admission if they can document other relevant education and/or practice/work competence of a scope and level that may also qualify them to admission to the programme.

The admission to the Master's programme takes place in three phases:

  1. A formal assessment of the application and the applicant’s competence
  2. Artistic assessment of the applicant’s qualifications, based on the artistic works cited in the application as well as a written reflection on the applicant’s motivation
  3. An audition consisting of a mix of choreographic and written assignments, including an interview

Only applicants who are deemed to be qualified in both phases 1 and 2 of the admission process will be invited to phase 3, the audition.

The admission process will be concluded through an overall assessment of the applicant with regards to the above-mentioned tasks, and on the following criteria:

  • Choreographic expression, individuality and creativity
  • The ability to reflect on choreographic work
  • Composition and improvisation skills
  • Motivation
  • Collaborative skills and personal suitability

Required documents

You must upload the following documents to Søknadsweb:

Documents Comments
Documentation of citizenship
File name:
Upload a copy of passport or National ID card
Documentation on your education
File name:
Diploma of your bachelor's degree/transcript of ongoing education. Include all pages of your Diploma or Transcript.
Proof of proficiency in English
File name:
Read more about how to document language
File name:
(max. 15 MB)
Previous choreographic or relevant artistic practice should be documented or supported by certificate/reference letters in a Scandinavian language or in English. (Put all in one pdf.)
Visual references
File name:
A montage of images, sketches, artists, works, colors, comments, etc. as a visual “imaginarium” to convey your current artistic interests and sources of inspiration. 1 page.
Video, text and cover letter
File name:
Fill out the'Admissions Form MA Choreography 2025' and upload it to Søknadsweb.
Submit a video showing a montage of up to three selected choreographic works, alongside a text that describes, comments on, and reflects upon these works. Additionally, you need to provide a cover letter describing your background, artistic practice, and choreographic interests. You must include the video link, the descriptive text, and the cover letter in the attached admissions form.

About the Audition 

Invitations, including information regarding the audition week, will be sent directly to all applicants who qualify in round 1 and 2 of the admission process. Qualified applicants will be invited to an online audition week (round 3), which will take place over six days, including a weekend.

Date Activity Comments
From mid-December Audition preparation In advance of the audition, we will ask you to prepare a performative self-presentation and to write a text in English.
An invitation including detailed information regarding the above-mentioned tasks and the audition days will be sent to applicants who has fulfilled the required documentation.
07.02.-12.02.2025 Physical audition Consists of:
  • Registration.
  • Self-presentation (max 10 minutes long). 
  • An improvisation class.
  • Choreographic assignments.
  • Interview.

There will be an intake of 5 students for the period 2025-2027.
In the application portal 'Søknadsweb', the application status will be "Pending/Under behandling" until the beginning of April.

Admission Process and Important Dates

Date Activity Comments
2. December 2024 Application deadline The submission closes at 23:59 (UTC+1).
See the list above for information about required documents.
From mid-December Audition invitation Qualified applicants will receive an information e-mail about the audition: dates, tasks and schedule.
07.02.-12.02.25 Audition period The audition is held physically at Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Beginning of April Offer of admission/offer to be on the waiting list Applicants who are offered admission to the program will have the result published in Søknadsweb. You will also be notified by e-mail.
1 July Deadline for submitting results achieved spring 2025

Master’s programme in Dance

Application deadline

2. December 2024 (23:59 CET)

Admission requirements

The Master’s degree programme is based on a three-year Bachelor’s degree (180 ECTS credits) in Dance or other relevant education. Applicants must document a minimum of 80 ECTS credits within dance and the performing arts. Applicants with a lower content of dance-related or performative subjects in their degree may also apply for admission if they can document through practice/work experience that they have attained a corresponding scope and level in regard to the programme.

In exceptional cases, other documented qualifications may be approved as wholly or partially equivalent to the educational requirements specified above.

Applicants must submit 1) a letter of motivation and 2) Vimeo uploads (or equivalent documentation) where they act as a performer. On the basis of their application, applicants will be informed whether they will be called in for an admission test and interview.

The admission process will be based on an overall assessment of the applicant in regard to:

  • their description of and reflection on practising as an independent dance artist
  • expressiveness, individuality and creativity within dance
  • technical skills within dance
  • motivation
  • personal suitability

5 students will be admitted for the study period 2025-2027.

Required documents

You must upload the following documents to Søknadsweb:

Documents Comments
Documentation of citizenship
File name:
Upload a copy of passport or National ID card
Documentation of education
File name:
Diploma of your bachelor's degree/transcript of ongoing education. Include all pages of your Diploma or Transcript.
Proof of proficiency in English
File name:
Read more about how to document language
File name:
Relevant artistic experience should be documented or supported by certificate/reference letters in a Scandinavian language or in English. (Put all in one pdf.)
Video and cover letter
File name:
Fill out the “Admission Form MA Dance 2025” and upload it to Søknadsweb.
Submit a video that feature you as a performer. Additionally, you need to provide a cover letter introducing your artistic practice with a view of how you imagine developing it in this programme. You must include the video link and the cover letter in the attached admissions form.

About the admission

The admission will be held at Oslo National Academy of the Arts and will run over 4-5 days, depending on the number of applicants. The day's program will contain different movement classes, group work, and a workshop, in addition to showing your performative material. At the end of the week, selected candidates will be invited to an interview.

Audition Activity Comments
From mid-December Preparation of work An invitation including detailed information regarding the below-mentioned tasks and the admission days will be sent to applicants who has fulfilled the required documentation.
1.round In advance of the audition, we will ask you to prepare a performative work and to write a text in English.
2.round The program will contain different movement classes, group work, and a workshop, in addition to showing your prepared performative material.
3.round Interview.

The successful applicants will be chosen from a combined evaluation of the above, based on the following criteria:
  • the reflection of your artistic practice and field of interest
  • expressiveness, individuality and creativity within movement and dance
  • skills within movement and dance
  • motivation
  • personal suitability

There will be an intake of 5 students for the period 2025-2027.
In Søknadsweb, the application will have the status "pending/under behandling" until the beginning of April.

Admission process and important dates

Date Activity Comments
2. December 2024 Application deadline The submission closes at 23:59 (UTC+1).
See the list above for information about required documents.
From mid-December Audition invitation Qualified applicants will receive an information e-mail about the audition: dates, tasks and schedule.
17.02.25-21.02.25 Audition period The audition is held physically at Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Beginning of April Offer of admission/offer to be on the waiting list Applicants who are offered admission to the program will have the result published in Søknadsweb. You will also be notified by e-mail.
Applicants with an offer of a place on the waiting list must accept or decline the offer in Søknadsweb.
1 July Deadline for submitting results achieved spring 2025

Master’s programme in Opera

Application deadline

3 February 2025 (23:59 CET)

Søknadsweb (the application portal) opens for registration, and information about the admission process and required documents will be updated two months before the application deadline.

Admission requirements

Admission takes place on the basis of formal education and admission tests. The programme requires the completion of a Bachelor-level education (180 ECTS credits). The education must include specialisation of at least 80 ECTS credits in music or other courses of relevance to the discipline of opera. Applicants must have at least 20 ECTS credits in stage-related or performative courses. 

In exceptional cases, we may approve other documented qualifications that are either completely or partially equivalent to the educations mentioned above.

Applicants are ranked according to the results of the admission tests. Students who are admitted to the programme must demonstrate an outstanding talent for the art of musical drama.

Required documents

You must upload the following documents in the application portal Søknadsweb:
Max 15MB for each document. 

Documents Comments
Documentation of citizenship

File name: 
Upload a copy of passport or National ID card
Documentation of Bachelor's degree/
Transcript of records

File name:
diploma.pdf or transcript.pdf
Include all pages of your Diploma or Transcript.

If you complete your bachelor's degree during the year of application, you must upload a transcript of records showing how far you have progressed in your programme of study.

Information about experience-based qualifications.
Proof of Proficiency in English

File name:
Read more about how to document language
Repertoire and application form

File name:
Fill in the required information in the application form
Are you unsure whether you meet the requirement for 20 credits in scenic subjects?

Then you must upload documentation of all the relevant scenic experience you have listed in your application form. This documentation can be certificates from your employer or media reviews. Course certificates can also be relevant. 

Requirements for repertoire


Your repertoire for the entrance examinations shall consist of four arias/scenes of different character. The repertorie must cover at least two different eras and two different languages. At least one of the arias must be in Italian.

You must submit a video recording of two of the arias before the application deadline February 3rd at 23.59. Applications submittet incompletely will not be assessed. 

Candidates for the second round of admission will be awarded to one of the Academy of Opera's pianist. Own pianist can also be used.
Video requirements
  • You must produce one video per aria (a total of two). The videos should be uploaded in Vimeo, YouTube etc. and can not be password protected. You will fill in admission repertoire and links to the arias in the application form, and then upload the form in Søknadsweb.
  • Each aria should be recorded in one take, unedited and uncut.
  • You can use any camera when recording, including mobile phone. There are no specific requirements for sound or video quality.
  • The video must be dated. It can not be older than 12 months. 
  • Your voice must appear clearly in the video. Avoid recording in a venue with large acoustics (e.g. a church with a lot of reverberations) or in a performance/concert where you are far from the microphone.
  • We recommend that you perform the repertoire together with a pianist.

About the audition process

Schedule for the entrance examinations:
1st round  The admission committee will assess your uploaded material. 
You will be notified by e-mail by February 14th whether you are qualified for 2nd round of admission.
2nd round  The second round of admission will take place at KHiO in Oslo 28 February or 1 March.  
In special cases you can have the 2nd round digitally. 

If you apply for both the one-year study and the Master's programme, you will be assessed for both programmes, and you do not need to submit two sets of application forms or any other documents. If you are not qualified for your first priority, we will assess you for your second priority. 
Please address any questions about the admissions process to
Master’s programme in Theatre

Application deadline

3 February 2025 (23:59 CET)

Important Notice: In the admission year 2025, there will be only admissions for the specializations in acting, playwriting, and opera. There will be no admissions for the specializations in dramaturgy and directing. 

Admission requirements

Admission takes placed on formal education and admission test. The programmer requires the competition of a Bachelor-level education (180 ECTS credits) in Acting, Directing, Writing, Dramaturgy and Opera) or equivalent education and/or experience. The Academy may approve other document qualifications that are either completely or partially equivalent to the educations mentioned above. Applicants are ranked according to the results of the admission tests. Applicants must document proficiency in English.

Required documents

Documents must be uploaded in PDF format to the application portal Søknadsweb, and the maximum size is 15 MB per file.

Documents Comments
Copy of passport or national ID
File name:
Documentation of bachelor’s degree
File name:
Upload a copy of your bachelor's degree certificate.
If you complete your bachelor's degree in spring 2025, please include a note in the comments field in Søknadsweb.

You do not have a bachelor's degree? Please check our information on documenting of experience-based qualification.
Documentation of proficiency in Norwegian and English
File name:
Norwegian.pdf / English.pdf
Applies to those without upper secondary education (GSK) from Nordic countries.
Here you can read more about the language requirements for the program.
CV and artistic Portfolio
File name:
Upload a portfolio that includes a CV (1-2 pages) and documentation of artistic and/or theoretical work (max. 5 pages). This can also include student work. These works should reflect your experience, skills and specializations in performing arts.

It is important that you add a brief description of the individual works (performances and projects) where your role is clearly described. Feel free to add a reflection on the process and the learning you take with you from the individual project.

Save the portfolio as one file. If you have media files, paste links to the work into the document. Don't protect media files with a password. These must be open throughout the recording period. If necessary, tick the box for 'Hide', then the video will not be available to others and is also not searchable.
Motivation letter and video
File name:
You must submit a two-minute motivational video, as well as a motivation letter of no more than 3 pages.

In the motivation letter, you must actively relate to the learning objectives and structure of the program. It is important that you talk about your artistic practice, as well as your learning goals for the master's program (e.g., what do you want to explore during your studies? What do you want to understand better? What do you want to improve?).

Include the link to the motivational video in the same file as the motivation letter.

About the admissions tests and dates

The admissions test consists of three rounds. Previous studies, motivation letters, and documented practical experience form the basis of assessment for the committee in the first round.

20-30 applicants will proceed to the second admissions test and will be asked to submit an assignment. Information about the assignment, as well as the day and time, will be provided with the invitation.

Activity Date Description
Application deadline 3 February (23:59 CET) Registration and upload of required documents in Søknadsweb.

Qualified applicants will be invited via email to the second round at the end of March.
Second round Week 18 (28. April - 2. May) Digital interview on Zoom: Each applicant will present their artistic work to the admissions committee, followed by a conversation.
Third round Week 19 (8. og 9. May) Two days are allocated for collective rehearsals and interviews. It is expected that the candidate is physically present  

Master’s programme in Comparative Dramaturgy and Performance Research (CDPR)

Application deadline

3 February 2025 (23:59 CET)

Admission requirements

Admission takes placed on formal education and admission test. The programmer requires the competition of a Bachelor-level education (180 ECTS credits) in Theatre (Acting/Directing/Writing/Dramaturgy) or equivalent education and/or experience. The Academy may approve other document qualifications that are either completely or partially equivalent to the educations mentioned above. Applicants are ranked according to the results of the admission tests. Applicants must document proficiency in English.

Required documents

Documents must be uploaded in PDF format to the application portal Søknadsweb, and the maximum size is 15 MB per file.

Documents Comments
Copy of passport or national ID

File name:
Documentation of bachelor’s degree

File name:
Upload a copy of your bachelor's degree certificate.
If you complete your bachelor's degree in spring 2025, please include a note in the comments field in Søknadsweb.
Documentation of proficiency in Norwegian and English

File name:
Norwegian.pdf / English.pdf
Applies to those without upper secondary education (GSK) from Nordic countries.
Here you can read more about the language requirements for the program.
CV and artistic portfolio

File name:
Upload a portfolio that includes a CV (1-2 pages) and documentation of artistiv and/or theoretical work (max. 5 pages). This can also include student work. These works should reflect your experience, skills and specializations in performing arts.

It is important that you add a brief description of the individual works (performances and projects) where your role is clearly described. Feel free to add a reflection on the process and the learning you take with you from the individual project.

Save the portfolio as one file. If you have media files, paste links to the work into the document. Don't protect media files with a password. These must be open throughout the recording period. If necessary, tick the box for 'Hide', then the video will not be available to others and is also not searchable.
Motivation letter and video

File name:
In the motivation letter, you must relate actively to the learning objectives and arrangements of the study.

It is important that you talk about your artistic practice, as well as your learning goals for the master's program (e.g., what do you want to explore during your studies? what do you want to understand better? what do you want to get better at?).

You must submit a two-minute motivational video, as well as a motivation letter of no more than 3 pages.

About the admissions tests and dates

The admissions test consists of three rounds. Previous studies, motivation letters, and documented practical experience form the basis of assessment for the committee in the first round.

20-30 applicants will proceed to the second admissions test and will be asked to submit an assignment. Information about the assignment, as well as the day and time, will be provided with the invitation.

Activity Date Description
Application deadline 3 February (23:59 CET) Registration and upload of required documents in Søknadsweb.
First round Review of submitted application materials. Qualified applicants will be invited via email to the second round at the end of March.
Second round Week 18 (28 April - 2 May) Digital interview on Zoom: Each applicant will present their artistic work to the admissions committee, followed by a conversation.
Third round Week 19 (8 og 9 May) Two days are allocated for collective rehearsals and interviews. It is expected that the candidate is physically present  

Master’s programme in Design

Application deadline

3 February 2025 (23:59 CET)

Admission requirements

Anyone with a bachelor’s degree in performing arts, visual art, architecture or design is eligible to seek enrolment in the study programme.

The target group for the study programme consists of applicants who want to develop expertise in one of the specified areas of specialization, and who want to situate their practice in wider disciplinary and sociocultural contexts.

The master programme builds on a three-year bachelor’s degree in design (180 credits), or an equivalent education that includes design studies of at least 120 credits relevant to the area of specialization for which the applicant applies. Applicants with less than 120 credits in relevant bachelor-level subjects can also apply for admission if they document that their practical experience gives them an equivalent scope and level relative to the specialization for which they apply.

The programme is open to students who only master English at the time of application. Languages of instruction and teaching are Norwegian and English. The study programme is designed for students who only master English, such that all courses and electives can be completed without the student mastering Norwegian.

The application must include following:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • A letter explaining the applicant's motivation for applying 
  • A portfolio containing works relevant to the chosen area of specialization

Applicants will be evaluated based on their:

  • previous education and experience
  • professional level and potential for development
  • motivation for enrolling in the study programme

Applicants may be summoned to an interview.

Required documents

For the application to be complete, it is required that you upload a set of documents in the application portal SøknadwebAll the uploaded files should be compressed to screen viewing, and the total size of uploaded files may not exceed 100 MB, max 15 MB per file .

Documents Comments

Documentation of bachelor’s degree 

File name: 
Diploma.pdf or Transcript.pdf
(max 15 MB)

All pages of the diploma must be uploaded (diploma, transcript of records, diploma supplement).

If you complete your bachelor's degree during the year of application, you must upload a transcript of records showing how far you have progressed in your programme of study.

Information about experience-based qualifications.

Proof of Proficiency in English

File name:  English.pdf
(max 15 MB)

All applicants must be proficient in English

Documentation of citizenship

File name: Passport.pdf
(max 15 MB)

Scanned copy of your passport or national ID card.
Information about tuition fees for students from outside the EU/ EEA

Curriculum Vitae

File name: 
(max 15 MB)

Relevant education, experience and practice

We do not ask for recommendation letters in the application.

Motivation letter

File name:

(max. 15 MB)

We are curious about your interests as designer, and what you hope to explore as a student at the master's programme in Design at Oslo National Academy of the Arts. It is important that you read about the study programme

Max 200 - 300 words: 

  • Choose a piece of work from your submitted portfolio and describe this.
  • Elaborate on what you consider important in this work (e.g., theme, technique, material, or motif).
  • What makes the Master’s programme in Design at Oslo National Academy of the Arts right for you?


(max 15 MB)

Submit your portfolio as one pdf document, consisting of 5 works/projects, max. 20 pages in total.

Your portfolio should showcase your abilities and skills. Feel free to include descriptions of your process. In collaborative works, describe your contribution.

Works in any media are acceptable, but if you include a video, web page or app, provide screenshots and functioning links in the portfolio.

Compressed to screen viewing. Your portfolio will be assessed on screen by the admission committee, therefore it must be compressed for screeen viewing, easy to navigate in and the use of text must be well considered. 

Admission process and important dates

1 December – 3 February Application period
You may adjust your application and upload new documents until the application deadline Feb 3 rd. (23:59 CET).
February Application and portfolio assessment
All complete applications will be assessed by the appointed admission committee.
Early March Invitation to interview
Applicants that are assessed to be qualified for the second admission round will receive an invitation to an interview as part of the admission process to the programme.
March, week 11 and 12 Interview
The interviews are conducted digitally in March, and the invited applicants will receive information about time/date and digital platform. In the interview the applicants will be given the opportunity to clarify their application, tell more about themselfes and their motivation for applying.
It is important that you read about the study programme in advance.
April Final results
Offers of admission, offers of a spot on the waiting list and rejection are sent out. The applicant can also view the result of the admission process in Søknadsweb. Applicants who are offered admission or a spot on the waiting list must accept or decline the offer in Søknadsweb by the given deadline.
1 July Deadline for submitting
diploma achieved in the year of applying.
Applies to applicants who are offered a study place or waiting list space after the interview.

MFA in Medium- and Material Based Art

Application deadline 

3 February 2025 (23:59 CET)

Admission requirements

Admission to the master programme requires a three-year Bachelor’s degree in visual arts or a relevant undergraduate degree composed of subjects or courses of which at least 80 study credits are relevant to the study programme. [180 ECTS credits or equivalent according to §§3-4 of the Norwegian Universities and Colleges Act.]

In certain cases admission may be considered on the basis of other documented qualifications that are fully or partially equivalent to the above-mentioned academic requirement.

An applicant’s qualifications, skills and aptitude for the master programme are considered in relation to an overall assessment of their portfolio, letter of motivation, documented artistic involvement and other relevant qualifications. Admission to the programme is based on nomination by an interdisciplinary committee that consists of teaching staff from the various areas of specialisation, one member can be external representative, and one student observer.

The application must include documentation of completed studies, a digital portfolio containing visual documentation of the applicant’s own artworks, and a letter of motivation.

Applicants may be required to attend an interview.

Applicants must be proficient in English.

Required documents

You must upload all documents from the list below to the application portal Søknadsweb within the deadline.

Documents Comments
Copy of passport or national ID
File name:
Documentation of completed Bachelor's degree (or equivalent)/Transcript of records
File name:
Diploma.pdf or Transcript.pdf
All pages of the Diploma must be uploaded. 

If you complete your bachelor's degree summer 2025, you must upload a transcript f records showing how far you have progressed in your programme of study. Once you have recieved the diploma it must be submitted before july 1st.

You do not have a bachelor's degree? Please check our information on documenting experience-based qualifications.
Proof of Norwegian and English proficiency

File name:
The language of instruction is Norwegian and English. 

All applicants must be proficient in English. 
File name:
Containing your full name, application number, relevant education and practice. 

File name:
The portfolio must be uploaded as one multi-page PDF document (max. 10 pages and max. 15 MB).

The portfolio should consist of a minimum of 8 and no more than 10 different examples of your own works.
Together, these works should give a good understanding of your knowledge and skills.

Each work must be dated and described with a title, dimensions, what media has been used and a link to a website in case of audio or video files.

The total length of video and audio files should not exceed 10 minutes.
MAMBA2025- Initials of the candidate.pdf
Make a short video describing the core elements in your artistic practice, that you want to further develop in your master's studies. The video must be a visual presentation of your own works. The length of the video should be between 2 and 3 minutes. The video should give the admissions committee an understanding of your works and how you choose to present them.  
Submit a link to your video (uploaded on Youtube/Vimeo or similar platform) in a pdf document and upload it to "Søknadsweb". Remember that the link should be open for viewing for those with the link, but hidden so it wont be searchable for others.
Application letter

File name:
You are required to upload an application letter of max. 1 page (400 words) that reflects on the following:

1) Why are you applying to the MFA program in Medium- and Material Based Art?

2) Give a short description of your artistic practice and main focus.

Admission process and important dates

1 December – 3 February Application period
You may adjust your application and upload new documents up until the deadline of February 3rd (11:59 pm).
Week 11 Interview
Applicants invited to an interview receive information on time and place for their interview.
April Final results
Information of acceptance/waiting list or rejection letters will be published on Søknadsweb.
1 July Deadline for submitting
Diploma achieved in the year of applying.

Applies to applicants who are offered a study place or waiting list space after the interview.

MFA in Art and Public Space

Application deadline

3 February 2025 (23:59 CET)

Admission requirements

Admission to the degree programme Master in Art and Public Space requires that the applicant has successfully completed a three-year bachelor’s degree in visual art or in a comparable educational programme that includes subjects, courses or groups of courses whereof at least 80 credits are related to and relevant for the programme Master in Art in Public Space.

The applicant’s qualifications, level and potential in relation to the master’s programme will also be evaluated on the basis of the applicant’s portfolio (artistic level) and a text which accounts for the applicant’s goals and motivation for applying to enrol in the study programme. Special emphasis is on the applicant’s demonstration of exploratory attitudes and an ability to delve into problematic areas, also to take initiative and have a large capacity for work.

All applicants must document good English skills.

Required documents

You must upload the following documents to the application portal Søknadsweb for your application to be assessed by the admission committee. 

Documents Comments
Copy of passport or national ID
File name:
Documentation of completed Bachelor's degree or equivalent education
File name:
All  pages of the diploma must be included. All documents must be translated to Norwegian or English by an official translator if they are not in English or any Nordic language.  Your original education documents must always be enclosed. 

You do not have a bachelor's degree? Please check our information about documenting experience-based qualifications. 
Proof of English proficiency

File name:
All applicants must be proficient in English.

The master programme relies on a high level of spoken English.
Curriculum Vitae
File name:
Containing your full name, application number and relevant education and practice. 

File name:
The portfolio must be uploaded as one multi-page PDF document (max. 10 pages and max. 15 MB).

The portfolio should consist of a minimum of 8 and no more than 10 different examples of your own works.
Together, these works should give a good understanding of your knowledge and skills.

Each work must be dated and described with a title, dimensions, what media has been used and a link to a website in case of audio or video files.

The total length of video and audio files should not exceed 10 minutes.
Application letter

File name:
You are required to upload an application letter of max. 1 page (400 words) that reflects on the following:

1) Why are you applying to the MFA program in Art and Public Space?

2) Give a short description of your artistic practice and main focus.

Admission process and important dates

1 December – 3 February Application period
You may adjust your application and upload new documents up until the deadline of 3 February (11:59 pm).
Week 12 Interview
Applicants invited to an interview receive information on time and place for their interview. 
April Final results
Acceptance/waiting list or rejection will be published on the application portal Søknadsweb.
1 July Deadline for submitting Diploma
You must submit a scanned copy of your diploma once you obtain your degree, no later than 1 July.

If we do not receive such confirmation, any admission to the programme will be revoked and reassigned to a qualified applicant.

Applies to applicants who are offered a study place or waiting list space after the interview.

Master’s programme in Fine Art (MFA)

Application deadline 

3 February 2025 (23:59 CET)

Admission requirements

Admission to the Master’s programme requires a three-year degree in fine art (Bachelor’s degree of 180 ECTS credits or equivalent). The first degree must include specialisation in a subject, course or course group of at least 80 ECTS credits within the discipline of the Master’s programme.

Admission to the programme is based on nomination by a committee that consists of teaching staff, one external representative from the contemporary art field, and a student observer. The following criteria will be considered:

  • independent practice and artistic research
  • motivation
  • suitability for the programme
  • previous relevant experience

All applicants must document proficiency in English

Required documents

For the application to be complete, you are required to upload a set of documents on the application portal Søknadsweb. The total size of the uploaded files may not exceed 15 MB per file and 100 MB total. All documents must be uploaded as PDF. All text must be in English.

Documents Comments

Documentation of Bachelor's degree (or equivalent)/ Transcript of records

File name:

All pages of the Diploma must be uploaded.

All documents must be translated to Norwegian or English by an official translator if they are not in English or a Nordic language. Your original education documents must always be scanned and enclosed. You may later be asked to display the original documents.

You do not have a bachelor's degree? Please check our information on documenting experience-based qualifications.

Proof of proficiency in English

File name:

All applicants must be proficient in English.

Documentation of citizenship

File name: Passport.pdf

Scanned copy of your passport.
Information about tuition fees for students from outside the EU/ EEA
Curriculum Vitae

File name: 
Your age, preferred pronouns and practice.

File name:
Maximum 10 artworks/projects, one per page. Ten pages total as one PDF-document.

Each page of the portfolio can have one main photography of the artwork/project, and two smaller photographs to give context.

Include the following information for each artwork:
  • Date
  • Title
  • Dimensions
  • Medium
Do not include other descriptions than these. If you need to give further descriptions, use your motivation letter.

If you want to add sound or video, paste the link into a portfolio page. Maximum length is 5 minutes. (You can link to a longer version, but there is no guarantee the committee will assess it.)

Please prioritise your content, as the committee will have limited time during the first review.

Please answer the following questions (maximum 400 words):
Motivation letter

File name: 
  • Why are you applying to the Master of Fine Art programme at Oslo National Academy of the Arts, and how do you envision to participate in the programme?
  • Describe your working method and process.
  • Contextualize your artistic practice (i.e. name an artwork, an artist, a text or an experience that is important to you and describe why).

Admission process and important dates

December 1st 2024 - February 3rd 2025 Application period You can change your application and upload new documents until the application deadline.
February Assessment Complete applications will have their portfolio assessed by the admission committee.
March Interview All applicants will be contacted. If you are invited to an interview, the interview will be held digital. 
April/May Admission Applicants who are offered admission or a place on the waiting list will have the result published in Søknadsweb. You will also be notified by e-mail.
July 1st Deadline for submitting Diplomas If you complete your bachelor during the year of application, you must submit a scanned copy of your Diploma to no later than July 1st, 2025.

When granted, admission is to the programme as a whole, independent of specific techniques and/or materials. Roughly 18 students are admitted each year.

One-year programmes

KHiO does not offer any one-year programmes taught in English. 

For more information about the One-year programme in Opera and the One-year programmes in Educational Theory and Practice (PPU), please see the websites in Norwegian. 

Language requirements

KHiO offers one English taught bachelor: Bachelor's programme in Classical Ballett (see specified language requirement further down).

The Master's programmes at KHiO are taught in Norwegian and/or English. More information about the specific language requirements can be found in the curriculum for the study programme..

Norwegian taught Bachelor's and Master's programmes

All our other Bachelor's programmes are taught in Norwegian and require Norwegian proficiency. For more information about the admission requirements, please see the Norwegian websites.

You must prove Norwegian language proficiency by passing one of the following examinations:

  • Norwegian, written and oral exam from third year level (393 hours) in Norwegian upper secondary school
  • Norwegian Language test for adult immigrants from The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills with the result B2 in all the four disciplines.
  • Norwegian for International Students, Level 3 at the universities.
  • 1-year course in Norwegian Language (60 ECTS) at Norwegian universities or university colleges.
  • Test in Norwegian - advanced level (Test i norsk - høyere nivå) with a minimum score of “pass” (bestått) in both the written and the oral test. Folkeuniversitetet discontinued Test in Norwegian - higher level (also known as The Bergen test) in October 2022. You fulfil the requirement in Norwegian if you have passed the oral and written tests previously.
  • Combination of tests: From the academic year 2023-2024, it is possible to combine the results of partial tests in Test in Norwegian, higher level (Bergenstesten) and the Norwegian Language test for adult immigrants (Norskprøven for voksne innvandrere).

You can find more information about the language requirements at HK-dir. 

Are you from another Nordic country with qualifications granting general admission to higher education in your home country, and have studied your native language at the most advanced level at upper secondary school you are not required to take a Norwegian language proficiency test.

English taught Bachelor's and Master's programmes

All our Master's programmes are taught in English and require English proficiency. 

All international students and students who have completed upper secondary school outside of the Nordic countries must meet the English language requirements that apply to their country.

Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir) provides a list of requirements for all countries, the GSU list (Higher Education Entrance Qualification for applicants with foreign education).


You can meet the English language requirements by completing one of the following tests:

  • English (140 hours) from Norwegian upper secondary school: written and oral exam.
  • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) with a minimum score of 60 points from TOEFL iBT / TOEFL iBT Home Edition or 500 points from TOEFL PBT.
  • IELTS (International English Language Testing Service) Academic test / Online academic test with a minimum score of 5.0.
  • Cambridge ESOL Examinations: First Certificate in English.
  • Cambridge ESOL Examinations: Certificate in Advanced English.
  • Cambridge ESOL Examinations: Certificate of Proficiency in English.
  • Pearson PTE Academic: with an overall score of 51 on PTE Academic / PTE Academic Online.
  • The European language certificate (telc): English B2.
  • The European language certificate (telc): English B2-C1 University.
  • The European language certificate (telc): all English certificates at C1-level.
  • University of Michigan, Michigan Language Assessment: Certificate of Proficiency (ECPE), Certificate of Competency in English (ECCE)

In addition, you will have proof of sufficient English proficiency if you have:

  • A complete or incomplete undergraduate degree in English language and literature with courses in English language and literature that are equivalent to minimum 60 ECTS.
  • Completed a minimum of one year of upper secondary school or one year university studies taught in English in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Great Britain or the USA.
  • Completed a master's degree taught in English.

Assessment of language competence carried out by the admissions committee is not accepted.

Special language requirements for admission to the Bachelor's programme in classical ballet

The Bachelor's programme in classical ballet is a three-year full-time programme for the education of professional dancers. The programme is intended for particularly gifted ballet pupils, who, after completing primary school, wish to further specialization in classical ballet. 

The language of instruction is Norwegian, but it is adapted for students who only speak English. All applicants must document good knowledge of English (ref. study plan).

Oslo National Academy of the Arts also relies on the GSU list prepared annually by the Ministry of Education and Research (see the section about English above for the GSU list).

If the language requirement for English is registered as "not covered", applicants must submit an additional English test which documents level A2 or better. A2 is a universal standard for language tests and can be documented with many different tests. Exactly which one will vary from country to country, and since applicants to the Bachelor programme in classical ballet can come from all over the world, it would not be appropriate to limit this to specified tests.

Assessment of language competence carried out by the admissions committee is not accepted.

How to apply

Register Your Application

Register your application in the application portal "Søknadsweb" and upload the required documents listed on the "Admission Information per Study Program" page.

If you have any questions regarding the use of the application portal "Søknadsweb", please read the detailed guidelines.

Log into Søknadsweb

Submit documentation

You will find detailed information about required documentation on the "Admission Information per Study Programme" website.

General Criteria for Uploading Documents in Søknadsweb:

  • You must upload all required documents within the application deadline. It is your responsibility to ensure that all necessary documents are uploaded. We do not respond to individual requests via e-mail or otherwise for confirmation of document upload status. 
  • Please make sure to name your documents according to the list under "Admission Information per Study Programme". Do not upload additional documents that are not listed. Unnamed documents or excessive amounts of documents may delay or invalidate your application.
  • Please note that there is no "Submit" button. Your application is saved automatically after each alteration. You can change your application as many times as you like up until the deadline. 
  • All documents must be uploaded as PDFs (.pdf), with a maximum file size of 15 MB per file. 

Documentation of Education

  • You must upload your Diploma and Transcript of Records from Upper Secondary School or higher education (Bachelor's degree).
  • All pages of the Diploma must be submitted (Diploma, Transcript of Records and Diploma Supplement). 
  • If you obtain your Bachelor's degree during the admission period, you must upload a Transcript of records showing your current progress in your study programme. Please also leave a comment in Søknadsweb. 
  • If you are given a conditional admission offer, you must upload your Diploma as soon as you complete your degree, and no later than July 1st.
  • You do not need to upload diplomas or transcripts of grades for studies completed at KHiO after 2010.
  • Documents that are not originally in English or a Scandinavian language (Norwegian, Danish or Swedish) must be accompanied by an authorized translation of the original document into Norwegian or English. 

Application Response

If you have qualified for the next admission round, we will contact you by e-mail and inform you about the further process.

If you are not qualified to proceed to the next round of admission, we will send out information about this by e-mail. In Søknadweb, the status will remain "Under processing" until the admission process is finished.

If you participated in the final admission round, you will receive your admission results via Søknadsweb and e-mail.

  • Normally, admission results for master's programs starting in the autumn semester will be available at the beginning of April.
  • Normally, admission results to bachelor's programss or one-year programs starting in the autumn semester will be sent at the end of June.
Study tarting
After you have accepted the study place, you must wait until you have been created as a student in our system before you can log in to Studentweb. You will receive an email with login information when this is ready.

Experience-based qualifications

Admission to master's programmes on experience-based qualifications without a bachelor's degree

Typically, a bachelor's degree is required for admission to a master's program. However, the Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO) may, in special cases, approve other qualifications that may be equivalent to a bachelor's degree, in accordance with Section 3 of the Regulations relating to requirements for a master's degree.

If you do not have a documented bachelor's degree in the relevant subject area, the admissions committee can consider whether your education can be approved in another way. Applicants who are 25 years of age or older in the year of admission and do not have a bachelor's degree can be admitted to master's studies if they can document the necessary qualifications through prior learning.

Experience-based qualifications is work experience or a combination of relevant work experience and education.

What is required to document prior learning
  • Experience and education: You must show that you have achieved learning outcomes equivalent to a bachelor's degree. This means that you must document relevant competence that corresponds to the learning objectives for a bachelor's degree in the relevant subject area. The learning objectives for bachelor's programmes at KHiO can be found in the programme descriptions at
  • Documentation: Upload detailed evidence of your expertise, such as diplomas, course certificates, employment contracts, certificates, and examples of artistic work.
Application Process
  • Remarks: State in the application that you are applying based on prior learning, and which bachelor's degree at KHiO corresponds to your documented competence.
  • Upload documentation: All documentation must be uploaded to Søknadsweb by the application deadline. All documentation of prior learning is collected in a PDF of max. 15 MB.
  • Not just a CV:  A CV alone is not sufficient. Attach supplementary documents describing your experience.
Important documents that must be attached 
  • CV: A detailed overview of education and experience with dates.
  • Artistic education: Course certificate, diploma and the like.
  • Artistic practice: Documentation such as employment contracts, certificates, or examples of work.
  • Other experience: Confirmations of relevant work or voluntary efforts.

In addition to the documents that you must upload related to your prior learning, you must also upload the required documentation as described on the admission website for the specific master's programme.


Documents in other languages must be translated into Norwegian or English by an approved translator, and the originals must be attached.

Comprehensive documentation

Ensure that the documentation is comprehensive and meets the learning objectives equivalent to a bachelor's degree at KHiO in the relevant subject area. This requires thorough work before the application deadline.

Note: Applications with incomplete documentation will not be considered.

No pre-assessment of qualifications.

Tuition fees

International students with citizenship from countries outside the EU/EEA or Switzerland must pay tuition fees, unless they qualify for an exemption.

The tuition fees will not affect students admitted to a study programme at KHiO prior to 2023, or exchange students from partner universities.

How much is the tuition fee?

Applicants who are offered admission, will receive information about the precise tuition fee alongside the offer.

Master's programmes
Study programme Rates for the academic year 2025/2026
Master's programme in Design 439 636 NOK per year
Master's programme in Fine Art 456 877 NOK per year
Master's programme in Medium- and Material Based Art 470 677 NOK per year
Master's programme in Art and Public Space 470 677 NOK per year
Master's programme in Choreography 493 924 NOK per year
Master's programme in Dance 493 924 NOK per year
Master's programme in Opera 632 391 NOK per year
Master's programme in Theatre 632 768 NOK per year
Master's Programme Comparative Dramaturgy and Performance Research 632 768 NOK per year
Bachelor's programmes
Study programme Rates for the academic year 2025/2026
Bachelor's programme in Interior Architecture and Furniture Design 439 636 NOK per year
Bachelor's programme in Graphic Design and Illustration 439 636 NOK per year
Bachelor's programme in Fashion and Costume Design 439 636 NOK per year
Bachelor's programme in Fine Art 456 877 NOK per year
Bachelor's programme in Medium- and Material Based Art 470 677 NOK per year
Bachelor's programme in Jazz Dance 493 924 NOK per year
Bachelor's programme in Contemporary Dance 493 924 NOK per year
Bachelor's programme in Classical Ballet 493 924 NOK per year
Bachelor's programme in Acting 632 768 NOK per year
One-year programmes
Study programme Rates for the academic year 2025/2026
One-year programme in Educational Theory and Practice (PPU) 493 924 NOK per year
One-year programme in Opera 632 391 NOK per year

The tuition fees may be adjusted annually.

KHiO does not offer any scholarships that cover tuition fees. 

How and when do I pay the tuition fee?

Applicants from countries outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland who have accepted their offer of admission, will receive an invoice by email. The invoice will provide instructions for paying the tuition fee.

The deadline for paying the tuition fee is 1 JuneIt can take up to three weeks for the Academy to register the payment, depending on the bank connection.

When the Academy have received your payment, we will issue a confirmation of payment. This can be used as documentation when applying for a student residence permit, cf. below.

The tuition fee must be paid in full before each academic year. It is not possible to pay the tuition fee in instalments.

If you have paid the tuition fee, but later have to withdraw from your study place, you can apply to have the tuition fee refunded within 1 September. We will provide information on how to apply for a refund in due course.

Can I apply for an exemption?

Some applicants will be exempt from paying tuition fees based on residence in Norway other close connections with Norway. Applications are based on the universities and colleges act and national regulations on education support. 

Applicants who have accepted an offer of admission, may apply for an exemption. Information on how to apply for an exemption will be provided after admission. 

If you are granted an exemption, you will receive a confirmation which can be used as documentation when applying for a student residence permit, cf. below. 

Please note that some students will need to apply for renewal of exemption each academic year or semester.

Applying for at student residence permit

When applying for a student residence permit, applicants who have received an offer of admission must document their financial ability to cover living expenses in Norway. This comes in addition to the tuition fees. The current amount required by The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) is NOK 151 690 per year (adjusted yearly). 

FAQs about admission

For international degree-seeking students. ​This page provides important supplementary information about what you need to do after receiving an Offer of Admission from Oslo National Academy of the Arts.

What is the Oslo National Academy of the Arts?

The Oslo National Academy of the Arts (Norwegian: Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, KHiO) is a public university college with about 600 students and 200 employees. Oslo National Academy of the Arts was established on the 1st of August 1996 through the merger of five formerly independent colleges.

The Oslo National Academy of the Arts consists of the following departments: Dance , Academy of Opera, Academy of Theater, Design, Art and Craft, and Academy of Fine Art.

The Academy offers three-year bachelor's programmes (180 cedits), two-year master's programmes (120 credits), and one-year programmes (60 credits) in Opera and in PPU (Postgraduate Certificate in Education). The Oslo National Academy of the Arts also offers PhD programmes.

Oslo National Academy of the Arts is accredited as a specialised university college by NOKUT (the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education), an independent expert body under the Ministry of Education and Research.

Fees and financing

How much does your study programmes cost?

Semester fee

All students in Norway must pay a semester fee of NOK 690,- to The Student Welfare Organisation of Oslo and Akershus (SiO) each autumn and spring. Expenses for any materials that you use in your works you must cover yourself.

Tuition fee

Students without citizenship from countries inside the European Union, the European Economic Area and Switzerland, must pay tuition fees.

Please see Tuition fee for more information.

Proof of Finance

In addition to the new tuition fee, international students from a country outside the EU/EEA must also pay a proof-of-funds deposit (approx. 129 000 NOK) to ensure that living expenses are covered for your academic year in Norway.

For more information about proof of funding and how to apply for a study permit, please see The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI).

Please also take a look at our International Student Handbook for more information about topics relevant to international students.

Do you offer scholarships or other financing?

No, we do not offer scholarships or other forms of financing. We advise you to research what opportunities for financial support there might be in your own country. There are some limited opportunities from The Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund («Lånekassen») for foreign students.


Do you offer any student housing?

Students at The Oslo National Academy of the Arts can apply for student accommodation through the Student Welfare Association – SiO. Make sure to apply early.

All questions regarding the application form and housing in general must be directed to SiO Housing.

If you prefer, there is of course also the option of private accommodation.

Submitting an application

Can you check if I am qualified before I submit my application?

No, we are sorry, but we do not have the capacity to assess if you fulfil our entrance requirements beforehand. Please submit your application.

How and when can I submit my application?

We only accept applications registered and uploaded to our application portal “Søknadsweb”.

"Søknadsweb" and information about the admission process will be available on our webpage two months before the application deadline.

All study programmes have specific deadlines and each applicant is responsible to apply within the deadline. You find the application deadlines in the admission information of each study programme.

When must I submit my documents?

The deadline to upload all your documents is the same as the application deadline.

E.g. for studies with the application deadline 1 February, you must upload your documents within 1 February. 

Can I deliver documents after the deadline?

Generally, you must upload all documents within the application deadline. Only few documents which are not available within this deadline can be delivered after that.

This applies for applicants who complete their higher education entrance qualification/bachelor's degree in the spring semester they are applying for studies. 

Applicants who must complete a language test in the period of application must upload the official results within July 1st. 

I haven't taken all my exams yet, but I will recieve my diploma this summer. Can I apply?

You can apply on the condition that you will send us your diploma by July 1st.

When you apply, use the comment field in “Søknadsweb” and kindly let us know that you are in the process of finishing your exams and that you will send us the Diploma as soon as possible, and no later than July 1st.
For now, please upload a transcript of records.

I am in the process of taking a language test, but will not get the result by the application deadline. Can I apply?

When you apply, use the comment field in “Søknadsweb” and kindly let us know that you are in the process of taking a language test and that you will send us the certificate as soon as possible, and no later than July 1st.
Please inform us of when your test is to take place.

After admission

When does the studies start?

We have admission once a year, and all our studies start in August.

How is the study programme structured, where can I find detailed information about the study programme?

You will find information about the study programmes and admission under each department:

Academy of Dance
Academy of Opera
Academy of Theater
Art and Craft
Academy of Fine Art

Please see the programmes curriculum for detailed information. This is linked to at the bottom of the page describing the program.

I’ve already done a similar study programme at another academy. May I transfer to the Oslo National Acadamy of the Arts?

No, we do not consider this during the application process. You need to apply to our programme. If granted admission and you accept the offer, you can apply to have your previous studies recognized and included in your degree here.

I’m on the waiting list, what happens now?

You must first accept to be on the waiting list on our application portal “Søknadsweb”. We will contact you if a place becomes available. This can happen up until a couple of weeks after the programme have started. We are not able to say how likely it is that you will be offered a place.

Can I come visit the school and get a guided tour?

The school is open to visitors. KHiO usually arranges an Open Day every academic year in November. We do not offer guided tours except from this day.

Feel free to sign up for our newsletter (in Norwegian) for information about events happening on campus you might want to attend if you are visiting Oslo, including Open Day.

You could also check out KHiOs Instagram account in order to get an impression of the school.

Is there a lower or upper age limit for applicants?

No, anyone that fulfils the entrance requirements can apply.

I have other questions that are not answered here.

Have you read the information on our webpage about the program and admission?

The programmes’ curriculum might also answer many of your questions, you'll find it linked to at the bottom of the programme's page. You should also check our International Student Handbook.

If you still have questions, you can send us an e-mail to, please write the name of the study program in the subject field.

Postponed start of studies

If you have accepted an offer of admission to a study programme and cannot begin, you can apply for a postponed start of studies.

Who can apply?

Students who have been offered a study place at a programme with yearly admissions can apply for a postponed start of studies on the basis of:

  • Illness
  • Parental leave/Adoption
  • Norwegian military service as defined in Forsvarsloven § 17
  • Other weighty reasons beyond your control

How to apply?

The application for postponed study start must be sent to within 3 weeks of receiving the offer of a study place. The application must be documented. Valid documentation can be a medical certificate, birth certificate, or confirmation of pregnancy, a proof of military service, etc. Documentation containg sensitive information should be delivered or sent by regular mail to following address :

Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, Postboks 6853 St. Olavs plass, 0130 Oslo.

How do you begin your studies after a postponed start?

When you have been granted a postponed start of studies, you can start the study programme at the ordinary start of studies in the semester to which you have been granted a postponement. 

You need to reapply through the application portal Søknadsweb within the application deadline. You do not need to upload documentation again, only a copy of the email/letter you received from KHiO. Leave a comment in Søknadsweb that you have guaranteed a study place. You will receive an offer of study. Remember to accept the offer within the deadline.

You are guaranteed a spot as long as you follow the regular admission procedures.


If you have any questions concerning postponed start of studies, please send an e-mail to


Questions regarding admissions should be sent to Please read the information about the admission requirements for each study program carefully before sending an email.