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Kunsthøgskolens bibliotek. Foto: Kristine Jakobsen
Kunsthøgskolens bibliotek. Foto: Kristine Jakobsen

The Library

New books in the library

Loading book cover carousel...

The library is open to the public. 

Opening hours

The library is staffed weekdays 09:00-18:00 (Monday 09:00-15:00).

Students and faculty have access to the library Monday - Sunday 06:00-23:59. Use your keycard to enter the library outside of the regular opening hours.

External patrons can use the library during staffed hours. Note that the entrance to the building locks at 15:00. Contact us if you wish to use the library after 15:00, Tuesday-Friday.

Contact us

Follow the KHiO Library at Instagram: @khiobiblioteket 

Tel: +47 22 99 55 10 
Postal address: Pb. 6853 St. Olavs plass, 0130 Oslo

Are the library's group rooms available?

Check TimeEdit (select Bibliotek Grupperom 1 or Bibliotek film- og grupperom).

Events in the Library

The event space of the Library can be booked by students and emloyees to have talks, exhibitions, debates, presentations of student-assignments and so on. For booking, contact

Purchase Request

The library welcomes suggestions for new books, journals and databases. Purchase requests can be sent to


Foto: Kristine Jakobsen
Foto: Kristine Jakobsen

Oslo National Academy of the Arts has access to a number of digital resources, such as e-books, e-journals and databases covering several disciplines. Here is an overview of relevant resources categorized by subject.

  = Off-campus access via Feide login. (Your KHiO username and password).



Media archive from Retriever. Atekst is Norways biggest newspaper archive. The archive consists of about 1300 Norwegian newspapers, including national, regional, and local papers. Also included are online TV and radio resources. You must be connected to the school's network in order to access Atekst.

The library also subscribes to newspapers such as Aftenposten, Klassekampen, Politiken, Morgenbladet and Subjekt. Contact the library if you need access to Subjekt.


Oslo National Academy of the Arts provides access to a number of relevant e-books.

You can find e-books by searching in Oria. Choose e-books in the right-hand menu to limit your search. In addition to titles purchased or subscribed to by the library, you can find openly available e-books as well.

EBSCOhost eBook Collection

E-books from this collection can be read online, but can also be downloaded by creating a user account. When downloaded, the e-book is available offline for a week. If you are unable to access an e-book, it may already be in use by someone else. You can try downloading it later, or put in a request. You will then be notified when the e-book is available.

Digital access to the National Library's collection

Faculty at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts can log in with Feide-ID for direct access. Everyone else must apply for access. You must then contact the library to get the access approved.


Journals A-Å (Oria)

Complete overview of e-journals subscribed to by the library.

Fine Art / Design / Art and Craft 

Art & Architecture Complete 

Journals, e-books and pictures about art, design and architecture.


1.9 million images in the arts, architecture, humanities, and sciences.

Digitalt Museum

Norwegian museum collections: art, arts and crafts, cultural history and much more.


Explore 48,633,358 artworks, artefacts, books, videos and sounds from across Europe.

JSTOR - Arts & Sciences III  

This collection draws on titles across the language, performing, and visual arts, including titles in music and religion. 


Norwegian bibliography of art history.


Material database with descriptions of 2600+ materials for architects and designers, within the following categories: Ceramics, Coatings, Concretes, Glass, Metals, Natural stones, Other naturals, Plastics, Wood.

NYPL Digital Collections

The New York Public Library has scanned more than 840,000 images in high resolution. The database is updated daily and includes prints, photographs, maps, posters, menus, illustrations, catalogues etc.


Educational resource for avant-garde material available on the internet. It offers visual, concrete and sound poetry, expanding to include film and sound art mp3 archives.

Dance and Theater 


Nordic theatre publisher.

Modern dramatists and plays written in or translated to English. From 1956-.

Drama Online  

Plays, scientific publications, audio plays and video recordings of theater performances.


Script distribution and rights clearance for Norwegian amateur theatre.

International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance with Full Text 

Fulltext journal articles and e-books.

JSTOR - Arts & Sciences III  

This collection draws on titles across the language, performing, and visual arts, including titles in music and religion. 


Contemporary Norwegian Plays. 

Classical music videos.

The Norwegian National Theatre

The Norwegian National Theatre archive.


Nordic publishing house for drama.


A national performing arts archive.


Educational resource for avant-garde material available on the internet. It offers visual, concrete and sound poetry, expanding to include film and sound art mp3 archives.

Digital Drama Workshops

Resource on online digital workshops in theatre.

Classical Music and Opera

Aria database

Collection of information about opera and operatic aria.

IMSLP/Petrucci Music Library

Classical sheet music.

IPA Source 

Transcriptions and translations of arias and songs.

JSTOR - Arts & Sciences III  

This collection draws on titles across the language, performing, and visual arts, including titles in music and religion. 

Classical music videos.


Operabase has documented operatic activity worldwide since 1996, with over 410,000 performances on file. It records the work of artists in over 900 theatres, and publishes season information to opera-goers in 23 languages.

Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Encyclopedia Britannica 

A general knowledge English-language encyclopedia.


Dictionaries: Norwegian and English

Artistic Research 


Research and artistic development at Norwegian universities, colleges and institutes.


Oslo National Academy of the Arts' repository. Contains artistic research and research results produced by our academic staff and fellows, plus documentation of the students' final exams works (exhibitions, performances, texts).

Research Catalogue

The Research Catalogue (RC) is a non-commercial, collaboration and publishing platform for artistic research.

Open Access Resources

Open Access/OA means freely available digital resources

Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)

Overview and access to a large number of Open Access E-books.

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

Overview and access to a large number of Open Access journals and articles.

Other resources

Google Scholar

Search engine for online scholarly content.


AI-tool that can be integrated into Word/Google Docs. Finds relevant articles based on the contents of your document.

Feel free to ask your librarian for help!

Library lending policy

Lån fra biblioteket. Foto: Kristine Jakobsen.
Lån fra biblioteket. Foto: Kristine Jakobsen.

Who can borrow? 

The library's collections are open to the public.

For students and staff members at Oslo National Acacemy of the Arts, the student ID card/admission card is also your library card.

Students and staff at Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO) are our primary users and can borrow freely from our collections. Employee/student ID-card is your library card. 

We provide loans to other libraries in and outside of Norway. For our patrons we offer the service of interlibrary loans from within Norway or abroad. With these loans, the owning library’s rules apply when it comes to loan periods, renewals and recalls. If you wish us to apply for renewals, please contact your library.

Lending rules

Course and guidance

Kildebruk, opphavsrett og kurs. Foto: Kristine Jakobsen
Kildebruk, opphavsrett og kurs. Foto: Kristine Jakobsen

The library offers guidance to students and faculty in the use of all of our resources: the library catalogue, the databases we subscribe to and other electronic resources, how to navigate the collection, etc. Feel free to ask us any time. You can come by and ask the librarian at the front desk, or send us an email with your questions. If you want a more in-depth guidance, you can "borrow a librarian" for a meeting about whatever topic you want to learn more about.

The library can also provide guidance and courses in literature searching, source assessment, and the reference management tool Zotero. These programs help you organise your sources, make citing and referencing easier, and automatically generate bibliographies in your text. We can help you with the installation and get you started. We also offer more extensive courses in Zotero, both individually and in groups. The courses can be held both physically and digitally via Zoom. Send us an email if you wish to book a course:

See the course overview for a complete list of the courses we offer.

Student papers

Student papers written by students at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts (bachelor and master) can be accessed via the digital archive. Note that not all papers are published digitally. The library has physical copies of many older papers which can be borrowed. These can be found in Oria. Choose advanced search and set the filter to material type master thesis or student thesis. Then search for a subject, title or author.

Doctoral dissertations from the Oslo National Academy of the Arts can be found either in the digital archive or Oria. Use advanced search and set the filter to material type dissertations.

Research and publishing

Archiving and registering your artistic research

All artistic research results must be archived and registered. Results are archived in the Oslo National Academy of the Arts' institutional repository. Registration of artistic research results is done in the national research information system of Norway (CRISTin).

Read KHiO's policy on archiving and registration of artistic research results (pdf).

It is your own responsibilty as an employee of the Oslo National Academy of the Arts to make sure your artistic research results are archived and registered.

Registering artistic research in Cristin
  • CRIStin - Search and register in CRIStin
  • CRIStin - Links to useful information
  • How to register projects in CRIStin here.
Archiving results in the institutional repository Khioda

The results of your artistic research must also be uploaded to the institutional repository. A result may consist of several parts (files), such as pdfs, audiovisual material, photo documentation, etc. Every individual part (file) needs to be described and uploaded separately.

A link to the upload form can be found here.

*It is also possible to upload fulltext documents to the instutional repository via CRISTin. A pdf with instructions can be found here (Norwegian only)

Other information regarding archiving and registration of artistic research results

Questions concerning practical matters such as uploading can be sent to the library at

Please contact your local research leader or the dean of your department for other questions concerning documentation of artistic research.

Additional information regarding artistic research can be found here .


Results should preferably be registered and archived upon completion. The deadline for registering and archiving results from the previous year is February 1.

Roles and responsibilities

Dean: ensures that faculty document their artistic research result.
Faculty: document their own artistic research results in accordance with established guidelines and deadlines.
Library Team: provides instructions on how to archive and register artistic research results at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts.

Literature searches for systematic reviews

Are you working on an artistic research project that involves a systematic review? The library can conduct the literature search for you. Contact us for further information.

Choosing a publication channel

There are numerous peer-reviewed journals within the design and arts fields. Read more about publication channels and self-archiving here.

Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers

NSD is responsible for the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers. This forms the basis for research publications that have an impact on the weighted funding model. Here you can search for authorised publication channels, also within the design and arts fields: Search the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers.


The library administers the institutional ISBN range (International Standard Book Number) and takes care of the legal depositing of all materials produced with the National Library in Mo i Rana. For more information about ISBN and ISSN (International Standard Serial Number), please see this page.

For teaching staff

Book courses for your students

The library offers courses in information literacy for students on demand. Contact the library if you wish to book a course for your students. You can find an overview of the courses we offer here.

Copyright clearance

The Kopinor Higher education licence requires curriculum and other necessary learning material in the form of book excerpts to be registered for clearance in Bolk when it is copied and made available to the students. Remember to register for clearance before copying and sharing with students. Book excerpts and coursepacks to be used for a new group of students must be re-registered for clearance. The licence allows for up to 15% of a book to be copied and distributed. Read more about the scope of copying here.

Making digital coursepacks

Bolk offers a complete solution for making digital coursepacks, from ordering to digital delivery of content. In Bolk you can search for book excerpts from both Norwegian and international textbooks. You can compile material found in Bolk, and order digital coursepacks for different subjects. If the material does not exist in Bolk, you can scan it yourself and upload a pdf-file to your coursepack. The complete coursepack is then delivered as a pdf-file, including front page and table of contents, and can then be distributed to the students in Canvas. The finished coursepack is not copy protected, and the students can use it without restrictions.

Contact the library if you need a Bolk user account. Once you have a profile you can log in using Feide. The library can also help you get started in Bolk

Step-by-step guide for Bolk: Bolk på 1-2-3 (Norwegian language only).

About the library

The Oslo National Academy of the Arts library is one of Norway's largest art libraries, specialising in fine arts, design, art and craft, dance, opera, and theater. The library is open to the public.

Om BiblioteketThe library collection

The physical collection consists of books, magazines, journals, films, theater scripts, and a unique collection of artists' books. The library also subscribes to a number of digital resources, such as e-books, digital journals, magazines, and various databases.

The library has a collection of recordings of student performances. These recordings are no longer loanable, since they require written consent from each participant. Contact the library for more information.

The library staff

Kristine Jacobsen

Einar Thor Jonsson (Teamleder)

Live Vikøren

Student staff

  • Maria Buene
  • Mikolaj Nowak