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Start of studies

Academy of Dance

Study start programme for the Academy of Dance
Study start bachelor and PPU

More information will be posted soon.

Study start master’s in choreography

More information will be posted soon.

Study start master’s in dance

More information will be posted soon.

Academy of Opera

Study start programme for the Academy of Opera

19 August
10:00-12:00 - Welcome meeting Opera - all students
Meet up at 09:45 outsiden the main entrance. 

Programme for the rest of the week is available in your schedule

Academy of Theatre

Study start programme for the Academy of Theatre
Study start bachelor's in acting

More information will be posted soon.

Study start master's in theatre

More information will be posted soon.


Study start Design department

Week 33 (from 12 August): multiple technical workshop courses for new students (BA1 and MA1). 
Detailed information about the courses will be sent out by email. 

19 August: 

Welcome meeting BA1: 09:30-10:30, Auditorium
Meet up at 09:15 in front of the main entrance

Welcome meeting MA1: 11:00-12:00, Auditorium
Meet up at 10:45 in front of the main entrance

Programme for the rest of the week is available in your schedule

Academy of Fine Art

Study start Academy of Fine Art

More information will be posted soon.