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Doctorate program

Here you will find relevant regulations, overviews, documents, guidelines, templates, etc. concerning the doctoral programme at KHiO.

About the Doctorate program

Doktorgradsutdanningen ved Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo er et treårig fulltidsstudium, 180 studiepoeng, som fører fram til doktorgrad i kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid. Fagområdet for doktorgraden er kunst (billedkunst, dans, design, kunst og håndverk, opera og teater).

Doctoral education at Oslo National Academy of the Arts is a three-year full-time study programme, 180 credits, which leads to a PhD in artistic research. The subject areas for the PhD at The Oslo National Academy of the Arts are art and craft, dance, design, fine art, opera and theatre.

Overview – progress

Brief overview of timeline within the PhD programme, including requirements, mandatory obligations, deadlines, important benchmarks and milestones etc.)

Suggestion supervisor

As a main rule the fellow shall have two supervisors. Main advisor is appointed by admission, co supervisor shall be appointed preferably no later than 6-12 months after start up - if necessary proposals can be admitted for change of main supervisor/ co supervisor.

Project budget

All costs associated with the completion of the artistic doctoral project must be covered by the budget plan. The plan shall cover all expenses for sub-projects and explorations during the project period, and be linked to an approved project description.

The budget plan must include:

  • travels relating to studies, projects and supervision
  • literature,
  • equipment, materials, purchases of goods and services,
  • production costs related to presentation of artistic work(s) for the mid-term assessment and final assessment,
  • documentation,
  • publication, dissemination on web,
  • various costs, etc.

The following shall not be included in the financing plan, but shall be covered separately

  • salary for research fellow, main supervisor and co-supervisor,
  • office at Oslo National Academy of the Arts,
  • simple phone and computer,
  • costs associated with participation in the Joint Research School

The budget must be set up per year of the PhD period. It must be made clear whether the project has other external income. It can be budgeted with a project contribution from Oslo National Academy of the Arts of up to NOK. 300,000 in total for the entire fellowship period. Note that the final project contribution from the Oslo National Academy of the Arts may be lower than NOK. 300,000.

See template for financing plan.

Project description revision

The candidate and main supervisor should review the project description and assess any need for adjustments as soon as possible and no later than three (3) months after admission. Significant changes to the project description must be approved by Oslo National Academy of the Arts.

Project description – template application for revision

Individual professional training component

The course is composed of self-chosen and adapted activities. Altogether, the scope of work should be equivalent to 10 credits. The plan for the self-chosen and adapted activities should be developed in consultation with the main supervisor by (at the latest) the time the candidate submits his or her revised work-plan 3 months after the start of the study programme. The plan must be approved by the head of the PhD programme. Regulations §9-1 “Credits approved as part of the required coursework should not have been completed more than two (2) years prior to the date of admission”.

Yearly report

Regulation §10-1 “Oslo National Academy of the Arts’ system for the quality assurance of doctoral education must include measures to uncover insufficient progress on the doctoral thesis and coursework, inadequacies in supervision, and routines for handling any such deficiencies that might arise. This system includes the submission of annual, individual reports by the PhD candidate, the academic supervisor and the Dean, and is designed to avoid dual reporting.”

Mid term assessment

Mid term evaluation is an important pedagogical tool in the implementation of the PhD programme. The candidate is given the opportunity to summarize the work that has been done so far, concretize plans for further process towards the completion of the doctoral result and final assessment, as well as to think through the whole of the project in dialogue with an external opponent who sees the project “with fresh eyes”. Midterm evaluation provides the candidate and supervisors with input for further work. Should normally take place in the third or fourth semester.

Final assessment

PhD fellow: Application for final appraisal (template with attachments)

The candidate applies for the final assessment, in accordance with § 13 in Regulations Pertaining to the degree Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) in Artistic Research at Oslo National Academy of the Arts. The artistic PhD project 150 ects is assessed by the committee based on the projected learning outcomes for the courses and the primary requirements as described in § 11-1 of the Regulations.

The application for evaluation may only be submitted after the Joint Professional Training Component (20 credits) and the Individual Professional Training Component (10 credits) have been completed and approved. 

Main advisor: Proposal assessment committee (template)

Committee: Appraisal committee report (template)

Public defence

Regulations § 19, “The public defence of the artistic doctoral result must take place no later than two (2) months after Oslo National Academy of the Arts has found the artistic doctoral result to be worthy of a public defence.”)