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Workshop, Utstilling

KHiO Quarterly

KHiO Quarterly

Join us for exhibitions, events and workshop-presentations related to the departments´ study programs, brought together under the umbrella of KHiO QuARTerly.

The three visual departments at Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO) - Art and Craft, Design and the Academy of Fine Art – host a public program at Akademirommet at Kunstnernes hus during March, April and May.

Join us for exhibitions, events and workshop-presentations related to the departments´ study programs, brought together under the umbrella of KHiO QuARTerly.

The project is kindly supported by Fondet for Kunst og Designstudenter (FKDS) and Kunstnernes Hus.


Art & Craft



  • 16.–18. May. Opening May 16, 19:00-21:00: Commonplace. Exibition with MA1 students.
  • 24.–26. May. Opening May 24, 18:00-21:00: Painters Club: In Landscape
  • 1. June, 13:00-15:00: Times Up: Catalogue Launch

More information about the program will be shared on:

Akademirommet is located in the back of Kunstnernes Hus in a former professor studio and classroom that has been used by the Academy of Fine Art intermittently since the 1930s.