
Avgang 2023: Art and Craft MFA Degree Show 2023
Avgangsstudentene på master medium- og materialbasert kunst og master kunst og offentlig rom vil presentere sine avgangsarbeider i en felles avgangsutstilling med tittelen Field Guide Free Education for All – It's not too late to change your mind
Pre-opening performance: 16:45 by Grete Riseng (in front of the main entrance)
Opening: 17:00 - 21:00, 2 June
Open between 12:00 - 19:00 daily from 3 June – 11 June
At KHiO, Fossveien 24, 0551 Oslo
Until recently, we, the Master of Fine Arts students in the Art and Craft department of Oslo’s National Academy of the Arts (KHiO), planned to exhibit our degree projects under the title Field Guide. However, our exhibition is now titled Field Guide Free Education for All – It's not too late to change your mind. This new title is a direct address to the Norwegian Government. We urge it to reverse its decision to impose tuition fees on new non-EU/EAA students in Norway’s universities from 2023-24. We strongly oppose this departure from the precious principle of free education for all.
It’s argued that Norway needs to tighten its belt at a time of austerity, and that universities need to find new income streams. We don’t accept either proposition. We note instead that wealth and opportunities are richly accumulating at the top of the economic pyramid and we call for economic policies that are redistributive not plutocratic. We also note that higher education programmes in Denmark and Sweden are already suffering rather than profiting from the imposition of tuition fees – which they have set at levels far lower than the Kr. 500,000-700,000 predicted in relation to the Norwegian government’s plans. This policy is not just unfair - it is destructive and irrational.
Both Norway and the rest of the world stand to lose out under the new fee system. Our exhibition showcases the vibrantly diverse creative practices of a disparate group of artists, many of us from countries outside the EU. Our studies and our lives have been enriched by the internationalism of our learning environment. Norway’s wider society benefits both culturally and financially from the talented, intelligent and dedicated people who are selected to attend higher education here. Non-EU/EAA graduates from Norway’s universities become unofficial, priceless ambassadors for their academic host country, all over the world.
The imposition of fees risks shattering all this. It will deny many brilliant potential students, particularly those from the majority world, the chance to develop their knowledge and skills. It will deplete the rich dynamism of our academic culture and trash Norway’s present reputation as a hub for world-leading, progressive learning.
Public pressure in Germany and Slovenia worked to reverse regressive policies around higher education fees. So, together with our fellow students on the Master of Fine Arts programme at KHiO’s Kunstakademiet, we call on everyone – University staff and students, artists, designers and craftspeople, the media, the bloggers and vloggers, the movers and shakers, the decorators and movie-makers, the geographers and scenographers, the ravers and engravers, the nannies and grannies, the butchers, bakers, candlestick-makers and undertakers and all the other people on the Norwegian omnibus (yes, that’s you!) – to join with us and send our government a clear demand: stop the fees, and save the international grand fleuve of Norwegian higher education from becoming a sad backwater. The Government should uphold pledges it made in the Hurdals Platform 2021-25: to set “a fairer course for the country”, “fight inequality” and “make a difference in the world”. It’s not, ever, too late to change your mind – and keep higher education free for all.
Signed by graduating artists: Damien Ajavon, Ben Clement, Josephine Echer, Marit Fujiwara, Ingvild Reinton, Sigvei Ringvold, Milton Mondal, Sally Nordström, Lydia Soo Jin Park, Grete Riseng, Sebastian Rusten, Amalie Risom Nyrup & Sarah Sekles (Risom.Sekles), Ilona Treilib, Maria Viirros, Tue Winther, with curator Nicholas John Jones.
Les katalog: Catalog - KHiO Art and Craft MFA Degree Show 2023