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New Student at Oslo National Academy of the Arts, KHiO

Welcome as a new student at KHiO!

You probably have a lot of questions before the start of your studies. That is why we have gathered some useful information for you here. By going through the points below you will get an overview of what you need to do to get started.

Study Start Checklist

Below follows a checklist with important information of what you need to complete before you start your studies.

1. Activate your IT-account
  • 14 days before study start you can activate your IT account and gain access to the schools IT services: 

  • Students with a Norwegian national identity number:
     Activate your IT-account at

  • Students without a Norwegian national identity number:
    Go to, and click on Reset password. You will receive a SMS with an one-time password which you can use to activate your IT-account. Username is your student (ie.

After up to 24 hours, you are able to log in to the different systems at KHiO like Canvas, Studentweb, Office, e-mail, etc.
If you have troubles with activating your IT-account, please send an e-mail to .

2. Register for the semester and pay the semester fee before 1 September

All students have to register and pay semester fee before each semester. You log in to Studentweb with the username and password you got when activating your IT-account. Click on the button "Start registration" and complete all steps, ending with the semester fee. For most students a confirmation of your indvidual education plan is part of the registration.

Please note! If you do not register by the deadline 1 September, your student card will be blocked, and you will not be allowed to attend any classes. You also won’t get a valid student ID.

3. Upload photo for your student card

As a KHiO student you will receive an ID card with your name and picture. The card serves as your: 

  • student ID
  • key card to allow you acces to KHiO buildings, studios and work spaces
  • library card
  • printer access card

New student card

You need to log on to Nettskjema with your username and password, and upload an image as described in the guidelines in Nettskjema. You can also upload a passport photo you already have. 

Collect your card

You can pick up your student card at the Servicetorget at the semester start. You must retrieve your card in person. Remember to bring a valid ID. 

The photo in your student ID app will show up after your student ID card has beem printed/handed out.

4. Download the Student ID app (studentbevis-appen)

5. Find your schedule

Schedule for the Autumn Semester is published here. 

6. Read about the First Week of Studies for your Study programme

More information will be published soon.

7. Carry out the fire safety training

Go to Branntest to complete the compulsory fire safety training. 

- Log in to English training: ONAA (Important: Only caps lock)
- Kode for innlogging til norsk opplæring: KHIO (Viktig: kun store bokstaver)

8. Show up for your first day of studies

The first day of studies is compulsory. 


By the start of the semester there is great demand for student housing. It is therefore important to apply for accommodation as soon as you have received a study offer.

Student Housing

Students at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts may apply for student accomodation at SiO (the Student Welfare Organisation in Oslo).

All questions regarding the application form and housing in general must be directed to SiO Housing.

Private accomodation

Students may also apply for private accommodation.

Relevant websites:


Do you have any questions concerning your start of studies?

Contact the student adviser at your study programme. Write “Student Adviser” in the search field, and you will get the contact information for your student adviser. Under the name is information about which department the study adviser is associated with.

Oslo National Academy of the Arts has six departments, and there are one or two study advisers associated with each department. If you are admitted to, for example, the bachelor’s programme of Medium- and Material based art, you should contact the study adviser at Art and Craft.

If you are not sure which department your study program belongs to, you can find information by clicking the links below:

- Academy of Dance
- Academy of Opera
- Academy of Theatre
- Design
- Art and Craft
- Academy of Fine Art