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Nordisk koreografiprosjekt I

Inngår i studieprogram
Masterstudium i koreografi (2019)

Kort beskrivelse av emnet

The Nordic Choreographic Project (NCP) course is offered in partnership with the Master of Choreography programmes in Stockholm, Sweden (DOCH); Helsinki, Finland (TEAK); and Copenhagen, Denmark (DASPA). NCP will consist of various courses that will vary in format and be carried out while studying at different sites in the Nordic region. The students will thereby be given the chance to participate in several choreographic learning environments, meet fellow students and teachers of choreography in the respective countries, and visit a variety of events and performance venues for choreography in the region. The strength of the academic and professional networks and the course’s modules will help ease the students’ transition from an educational setting to a professional career. Through insight into similarities and differences in choreographic concerns in the Nordic countries, including insight into various discourses within the field of choreographic educations and the field of artistic research and development, the students’ perspectives on the field of choreography will broaden, both educationally and professionally.

During the first year, the course will normally take place as modules held at two of the NCP network’s institutions. The course’s learning outcomes are closely linked to the process of becoming familiar with the various learning environments in the network and assorted performance venues and organisers operating in the Nordic region.

Læringsutbytte for emnet

The course’s learning outcomes are described as follows:


Upon completing the course, students shall

  • be familiar with characteristics and distinctive assets of the various learning environments within choreography at the NCP institutions
  • be familiar with central performance venues and organisers within the field of choreography in the Nordic region


Upon completing the course, students shall

  • be able to identify similarities and differences of various approaches to choreographic education and to artistic research
  • have some experience with presenting and sharing choreographic experiments and work in a Nordic and international context

General competence

Upon completing the course, students shall

  • have experience participating in different learning environments and choreographic discourses in the region
  • have acquired a choreographic network in the region

Undervisning og læringsformer

The course’s working methods may alternate between teacher-led instruction, supervision and independent work.

The learning methods may be more process-oriented and include practical exercises, creative assignments, workshops, project-oriented group work, seminars, lectures, teacher-led instruction, supervision, fieldwork, visits to institutions, excursions and independent study. The teaching includes students sharing results or experiences from the process with others by documenting their own process, whether in writing, orally, performatively and/or through audiovisual means. The teaching will take place three to four weeks per year at various venues in the Nordic region with the other Nordic Master of Choreography programmes that participate in the NCP network.

The course requirements are

  • mandatory attendance and active participation
  • completion of mandatory assignments


All course requirements must be approved in order for a student to receive a final course assessment.

The student’s coursework is assessed on an ongoing basis. The ongoing assessment is based on supervision, educators’ assessments, feedback from one’s fellow students, group discussions and independent reflection on one’s artistic development as seen in relation to the course’s learning outcomes.

The course is graded pass/fail.