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Masterprosjekt, et forprosjekt

Inngår i studieprogram
Masterstudium i dans (2023)

Kort beskrivelse av emnet

In the first part of the Independent Project Proposal course, students shall explore their own concepts, methods and ideas. The project may be an independent investigation or be part of a larger artistic project. The work may include collaboration with a choreographer, fellow students or other artistic partners. In the second part of the course, and on the basis of this initial period of exploration, students shall write a project description for their second-year Independent Project. The project description shall contain a relevant methodological and artistic problem for the self-chosen work.

Læringsutbytte for emnet

Upon completing the course, students shall

  • be able to develop an idea and plan and structure a project
  • be able to delimit, define and formulate an artistic problem of their own choosing
  • be able to write a relevant project description

Undervisning og læringsformer

The course’s working methods consists primarily of research and development, independent study, supervision, student feedback methods and written work, but may also consist of project work and lectures.

The course requirements are

  • mandatory attendance and active participation in the course
  • completion of mandatory assignments
  • submission of a project description for the Independent Project


All course requirements must be approved in order for a student to receive a final course assessment. The project description shall be approved by the programme coordinator and the dean. The course is graded pass/fail. An approved project description is required for students to begin working on their Independent Project.