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Utstillingspraksis 3

Inngår i studieprogram
Masterstudium i billedkunst (2022)

Kort beskrivelse av emnet

Together with a curator, the second-year students will develop and implement a collective public presentation, through which the students will practically explore ways to present and communicate their work to a larger audience. The emphasis of the course is on collaborative processes, experimenting with exhibition formats and spaces, and various ways of producing and encountering a public.

Læringsutbytte for emnet

Upon completing the course, students should be able to

  • prepare and implement a collective public presentation in collaboration with a curator, fellow students and/or other practitioners
  • communicate in visual, spatial and material ways in order to engage the viewer, as well as prepare relevant informational material for public dissemination
  • critically reflect on a variety of exhibition formats and contexts, and how these relate to wider societal processes and concerns

Undervisning og læringsformer

  • group discussion sessions
  • practical/collaborative instances (amongst students and/or with external institutions)
  • lectures, presentations, workshops and seminars (by curator/course leader and/or guests)
  • sharing/discussing relevant texts

Coursework requirements:

  • develop and produce a group graduation exhibition project with fellow students under curatorial guidance
  • active participation in exhibition workshops and seminars (minimum 80 % attendance)
  • engage with feedback from teachers, fellow students and external professionals


The required coursework must be approved in order for a student to receive a final course assessment.

The student will be assessed by the teacher of the given course.

The following will be assessed:

  • the student’s preparation for the public presentation of their work, its presentation and communication in a variety of media, as seen in relation to the course’s learning outcomes

The course is graded pass/fail.