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Tematisk fokus 1

Inngår i studieprogram
Masterstudium i billedkunst (2022)

Kort beskrivelse av emnet

The Academy of Fine Art offers a wide range of thematic workshops, seminars and lectures to enable the students to enrich their own practice, gain an understanding of the history and context that shape contemporary art, and engage critically with issues in contemporary art, culture and society.

These various methods will hereinafter be referred to under the label “class” (Norw. kurs).

Læringsutbytte for emnet

Upon completing the course, students should be able to

  • discuss and analyse their ideas and investigations with fellow students
  • study and work in a critical dialogue or collaboration with others

Undervisning og læringsformer

The course will to varying degrees relate theory to practice, and topics will often cut across different practices and discourses. Participation and the exchange of ideas are essential so it is expected that students follow and participate actively.

Coursework requirements:

  • active participation (minimum 80 % attendance) in one elective class


The required coursework must be approved in order for a student to receive a final course assessment.

The student will be assessed by the teacher of the given class. The assessment will be seen in relation to the course’s learning outcomes.

The course is graded pass/fail.