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Kunstnerisk praksis 1

Inngår i studieprogram
Masterstudium i billedkunst (2022)

Kort beskrivelse av emnet

Artistic practice is a central aspect of studying at the Academy of Fine Art.

Students develop and produce their works independently. This may involve technical instruction, artistic production, contemplating the works of other artists, literature reviews, archival research, fieldwork or any other type of activity that is relevant for the student’s artistic practice.

Læringsutbytte for emnet

Upon completing the course, students should be able to

  • independently explore artistic questions, ideas or concerns through experimentation and production; study of complex artistic or theoretical references and other relevant methods
  • analyse, contextualise and discuss their own and others work, including the presentation format, within a critical framework
  • consider different interpretations of their own and others works, as well as problems and challenges that are relevant for developing their own and other’s practice

Undervisning og læringsformer

The student’s work, process and methods will be developed, analysed and assessed in an ongoing dialogue with teachers and fellow students. Tutorials will be provided by the academic staff as well as by guest teachers.

Students participate in regular group critique sessions. By presenting their own work and contributing critically to discussions of artworks of their peers, students will reflect on one another’s work and analyse individual practices.

The work will be presented and discussed individually in order to provide feedback and clarify goals and intentions, articulate questions and define areas for further research. Students should also develop appropriate research and working methods, analyse processes and final works, and develop a critical framework and language in relation to their own practice. Further artistic output will be necessary in all subsequent semesters.

Coursework requirements:

  • studio production and the development of an artistic practice
  • participation in at least four tutorials with the main advisor as well as four tutorials with other teachers
  • active participation in group critique sessions throughout the year
  • follow-up on feedback from teachers and fellow students
  • participation in the midterm assessments at the end of the first semester


The required coursework must be approved in order for a student to receive a final course assessment. The course will be assessed at the end of the second semester by the student’s main advisor.

The following will be assessed:

  • the student’s production as seen in relation to the course’s learning outcomes

The course is graded pass/fail.