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Victoria Rowena Browne

Victoria Browne graduated from Bower Ashton, University of the West of England in 2005. She has also studied in École supérieure des beaux-arts de Marseille and Kunsthøgskolen i Bergen.

Browne's art practice draws on methods of post-production and self-publishing to explore post-digital print processes. She is currently researching the intersection between hand carved reduction and CNC routed multi-plate printmaking. The culture of use has previously relied on print’s imitating properties to reproduce, repeat and multiply the original as copy material. Today in an era of post-production, Browne's artistic research attempts to re-interpret this definition, to master the qualities innate in print as a medium of creative expression and of recontexualisation.

Brownes artists’ books are held in international collections and after ten years representing European-based artists’ publishing as KALEID editions she recently established an academic framework to foster publishing as artistic practice at KhiO.

Studio research:
Publishing research:

CV - Victoria Browne


  • Victoria Rowena Browne, Oliver Hambsch & Aleksandra Anna Janik: Wasze domy nucą nasze pieśni (2024).
    Kunstutstilling. Mer info
  • Victoria Rowena Browne: Spaces for Making - Graham Oram (2024).
    Faglig foredrag. Mer info
  • Victoria Rowena Browne: Architecture Room (2024).
    Kunstutstilling. Mer info
  • Victoria Rowena Browne, Oliver Hambsch, Aleksandra Anna Janik, Tiril Schrøder, Erik Solheim & Dler Mariam Dalo: Perspektiv på trykk - Fagområde Grafikk og Tegning ved Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo (2024).
    Kunstutstilling. Mer info
  • Victoria Rowena Browne: Mixing Ink (2023).
    Faglig foredrag. Mer info
  • Victoria Rowena Browne: Making Ink (2023).
    Faglig foredrag. Mer info
  • Victoria Rowena Browne: Materiality of Ink (2023).
    Vitenskapelig foredrag. Mer info
  • Victoria Rowena Browne: Material Empathy in the Manufacture of a Multi-block Printed Wallcovering (2023).
    Vitenskapelig artikkel (fulltekst). Mer info
  • Victoria Rowena Browne: Snitt - Kunstnerbøker (2023).
    Museumsutstilling. Mer info
  • Victoria Rowena Browne: Holmlia på Høyden (2023).
    Visuell kunst. Mer info