Bilder fra Avgang2016: Bachelor billedkunst
Se dokumentasjonsbildene fra bachelor billedkunst sin avgangsutstilling på Seilduken på KhiO og Galleri Nord ANX, 11. - 22. mai 2016. Alle foto ved Istvan Virag.
Klara Ström: pointless conversation
Ina Bache-Wiig: Uten tittel (The Last Judgement I), Uten tittel (The Last Judgement II), Uten tittel (The Last Judgement III)
Stian Hansen: Flightcase (flame), Flightcase (collage), Flightcase (case), Flightcase (metallica), Flightcase (case #2), Flightcase (black), Tape marks (marks)
Emilie De Rohan Birkeland: Treat your nose to the airy freshness, Go on, keep your nose in the clouds, Why not invite a few guests over and enjoy the freshness together?
Magne Strand Lyngvær: THE SAW IS THE LAW / Baby Girl / Birth
Stine H. Bø: My father’s bananas, Tur/retur, Color Line – Day Trips, Dry toast, When in Larvik, Sin gluten
Øystein Skråstad: Spanbroekmolen
Thore Normann Andreassen: Trying to Ignore the Siren’s Call
Eirik M Slyngstad: Heaven can’t wait #2
Randi Furuberg: Alene I hodet er tanken en skygge. Først når jeg manifesterer den blant andre, gjennom handling eller tale, blir den tydelig. Også for meg selv. Video loop – 12:16 min.
Beatrice J. L. Alexanian: Uten tittel, Uten tittel (the u in future, the o in now), Uten tittel ( )
Hannah Wiker Wikström: Jag minns inte kosmos. Video – 67 min. I samarbeid med Hugo Hedberg og Antonio.
Simen Stenberg: Eigengrau
Julia Alfe Bylund: Kiromanti / Konsten att spå i händer
Elina Ericsson
Ask Brean: Information through / with / by / in / as light
Tomas Maria Postiglione Øvrelid: See what you made me do
Istvan Virag: Towards vectors and velocities, Afterimage, Temporal placement No. 1, 4, 5.
Simen Stenberg: I don’t know what it is, but I know it exists, I’ve seen it with my own eyes
David Torstensson: Jag är en bit in i det hära märkliga landskapet nu (detalj)
Josefin Andersson: Institute of Nomadic Alchemy
Henning Erlandsson: Life on the floor
Anton Jawdokimov: Limerince of the immanence / Awake and repeat
Kachun Lay: Fairplay
Les mer om Avgang 2016: Bachelor billedkunst her.