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Erasmus+ Policy Statement

Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO) is fully committed to the implementation of the principles in the ECHE.

Our strategy plan for 2017 - 2022 states that “International cooperation is a prerequisite for quality, both in education and in research”, and lists “to raise the quality of education through the use of student and teacher exchanges” as one of the objectives. Erasmus is a key component in realising that strategy.

KHiO strives for constructive interactions which allow us to help each other develop and to better ourselves. We seek to develop transparent processes for knowledge-based decision-making and prioritisation. We aim to enable professional knowledge and ideas to collide in productive and stimulating ways. We value diversity, critical awareness, responsibility and mutual respect.

The world of art and culture is becoming more international. In the international field of art, the international dimension must be included and emphasised in art education as well. KHiO wants to expand its network and develop relationships with the most interesting art educations in culturally dynamic cities and regions outside of Europe.

The field of art is one of the fields of society and education which is truly international in its nature. Art students are often part of networks based on their discipline rather than being constrained by national borders. We want to provide the students with the best foundation for working with their field once they graduate. Before and after graduation, they often are in a state of roaming existence, doing exhibitions, performances, living in different countries. National boundaries may limit work opportunities, and the international experience can be crucial to the artist’s employability and career opportunities. Thus, the international character of art helps building a European Education Area, as the need for the international dimension also drives the need for an international art education.