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Galleri Seilduken: Spacing between Us

Galleri Seilduken: Spacing between Us

Spacing between Us is a durational performance installation composed by the four artists includes Mingxuan Tan, current MA2 Art and craft student, and previous KHiO students: Katarina Skår Lisa, Simen Korsmo Robertsen, and Natalia Korotkova, with the background of performance art, visual art, and design.

Within the framework of the joint project, the artists' collaboration is looking for ways to share the subjective feelings of their personal, individual spaces to the viewers.

The overflow of people, objects, and streams of information in both the virtual space and the physical space no longer leave us with a place to carefully build our intimate universe. Therefore, it is crucial to practicing conveying mental images accurately without tangling them with external chaos.

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