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Midtveisevaluering: Stipendiat Mette Edvardsen

Midtveisevaluering: Stipendiat Mette Edvardsen

Mette Edvardsen er stipendiat ved avdeling Dans og inviterer til midtveisevaluering av sitt doktorgradsarbeid.


Teorirommet på KHiO (spør i resepsjonen).
Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, Fossveien 24.

Writings in time and space

There has been a return to language in aesthetic practices over the last years, and also in dance and choreographic practices, language, text and writing has developed in various forms within our art form. I am interested in language and writing as part of my artistic practice, where the writing is immanent to the work, operating within it. I am interested in language, text and writing – in choreography – not as a shift towards another discipline or art form (theatre, literature), but within my own field and practice (dance and choreography). During a three-year period of the fellowship I want to address the role of language and writing in my work. I want to work with language, not in order to produce discourse around the pieces, but as material. I am interested in how reality exists in language and how this extends into real space. I want to use language to create imaginary spaces and choreography, and I am interested in how spoken language relates the body in space.

For the midterm assesment I will give an overview of where the work is at the moment and highlight some questions or thoughts that are important in the process right now. I will engage in an open conversation with the invited opponents. 

The presentation will be held in english.


Jonathan Burrows (choreographer, UK) and Karmenlara Ely (Norwegian Theatre Academy, Fredrikstad). 

Drawing: Iben Edvardsen