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Akademirommet: Harmonious Dystopia

Akademirommet: Harmonious Dystopia

An exhibition by MFA student Kim Laybourn.

the dragonfly on the
side of the road. First
I pierced it with a knife
through the chest, then
its forehead The ants
on titanic, they all died
at sea Only the owl
sensed it sneaking
on all four in search
maybe the spine was
broken or maybe its
spirit. sick deer on the
doorstep Cried in
terror we still got the
bite. in the horizon
behind the copse,
was only slightly hilly
cropless fallow land
to the front entrance
just screamed louder
and louder and I
cried heavier green
red eyes glaring back
have you heard,
do you mind, do you
care Predator teeth In
the door was a large
glass window. A good
seat for whatever events
awaiting in the afterlife.

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