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Design Talks Night: Fabrizio Pierandrei

Design Talks Night: Fabrizio Pierandrei

Drawing on experiences from past and current projects, Fabrizio Pierandrei will in his lecture “Design of the Future”, talk about the evolution of design, its different roles in a world in transition, and the role it may have in the future.

Fabrizio Pierandrei has a degree in Architecture from Genoa. In 1997 he founded Pierandrei Associati promoting a holistic approach to the Architecture which disregards the boundaries between design fields, gathers methodologies and tools from different disciplines and fosters the necessity of cutting edge research on technological, social and behavioural features. His skills range from metadesign, to behavioural research, from concept design to detail in architecture, interiors, product, service and strategic design.

He currently teaches at Politecnico di Milano, and has held several international positions as visiting professor. In 2012 he founded PACO Design Collaborative, an innovative network of professionals whose projects explore the potential of Design and Education in fostering social innovation, sustainable behaviours and business opportunities.

This lecture will be presented in cooperation with the The Italian Culture Institute in Oslo.