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Critical Spatial Practice III: Martin Slaatto

Critical Spatial Practice III: Martin Slaatto

Martin Slaatto's projects finds themselves on the border between dance, theater, performance and installation.

Critical Spatial Practice lecture series:
Martin Slaatto "Transportation Dance - an introduction"

Martin Slaatto was born in Norway and educated as a dancer and actor between London and Oslo. He has been working with art in different shapes and forms since 1973. His projects finds themselves on the border between dance, theater, performance and installation. Slaatto´s works addresses both very personal matters and conformity.

Most of his work is in collaboration with people from different fields.
Lately often together with visual artist Anders Wittusen, multimedia artist and filmmaker Michel Pavlou and documentary filmmaker Line Lyngstadaas.

For this time Critical Spatial lecture, Slaatto will take us for a walk, a practise of practice, after he shortly present his newest -ongoing-
project TD (Transportation Dance).

The talk ends at Carl Berner where we are going to visit Anders Wittusens latest sculpture, engaging in a conversation about "The Organ".

*This event is free and open to the general public.