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_lahkonit _tilnærme _lähestyä _approach

_lahkonit _tilnærme _lähestyä _approach

The project questions how we address contemporary socioecological issues, by bringing forward alternative approaches emerging from the joint efforts by art, design and pedagogy. This is an international collaboration project between three universities in the respective fields.

The project which is a collaboration between Sámi University of Applied Sciences, University of the Arts Helsinki and Oslo National Academy of the Arts, has over 30 MA student participants with over 10 different nationalities, and also some 90 adolescents from the local school. The event takes place in the Sámi University of Applied Sciences in Kautokeino, where exhibits, installations and performances will be publicly presented on Thursday 1.2. at 3 PM.

KHiO’s MA1 design students in Interior Architecture and Furniture Design will participate in the project. From KHiO Professor Toni Kauppila is responsible of the project which is supported by Finno (Finsk-norsk kulturinstitutt).