
Kunstnerisk forskningsuke 2018
Oslo National Academy of the Arts organises a week focusing on artistic research from 23 to 26 January. The program consists of workshops, presentations, screenings, exhibitions, artist talks etc.
Artistic research is an integrated part of KHiO’s activities and obligations. The Artistic Research Week shall contribute to a wider understanding of the research going on, and also increase the discursive level on artistic research. The program is open to the public.
Tuesday 23 January
Welcome (EN)
Time: 10:00–11:00
Venue: Hovedscenen (200 seats)
- 10:00: Opening by KHiO’s rector and research director
- 10:45: Coffee break
Session 1: Research fellows from the Academy of Dance (EN)
Time: 11:00–13:00
Venue: Hovedscenen (200 seats)
- 11:00: Chrysa Parkinson, Professor of New Performative Practices (MA) at Stockholm University of the Arts (department of Dance), in conversation with the four research fellows at KHiO’s Academy of Dance – Ingri Fiksdal, Janne-Camilla Lyster, Mette Edvardsen and Brynjar Åbel Bandlien – about their projects.
- 13:00: Lunch break
Session 2: “How do you know?” (EN)
Time: 14:00–16:00
Venue: Hovedscenen (200 seats)
- “How do you know?” is a discursive project challenging artists and other professionals to think, analyze, and deconstruct their own activity in the frame of artistic research and the production of knowledge.
- Participants: Apolonija Šušteršič (Professor of Art and Public Space), Maria Lind (Professor of Artistic Research), Sarat Maharaj (Theoretician, Professor at Lund University, Malmö Art Academy) and Matts Leiderstam (Artist, Professor at Malmö Art Academy)
Session 3: Exhibition openings (NO/EN)
Time: 16:15–19:00
Venue: Various
- 16:15: Mingling in the Reception area
- 16:30: Opening of book exhibition in the Library.
- 17:00: Marit Tingleff presents her research project Romlig strategi for bygging av storskala keramikk at Galleri Seilduken plan 1 (in Norwegian). Opening hours Wednesday-Friday: 16-19.
Om presentasjonen: Kunstnerisk forskning skal både befeste og utfordre kjent kunnskap. Mine byggeprosjekt med ulike strategier for å bygge i stor skala i leire har satt meg på store prøvelser. Hvordan kan man snu katastrofale tekniske feil, til kunstverk man kan akseptere, hvordan takle et faglig nederlag og snu det til lærerike erfaringer. Dette er problemstillinger dette KUF-prosjektet har måttet løse. - Opening of Trine Wester’s exhibition Digital Twin in the Reception Gallery. (Opening hours Wednesday-Thursday: Wednesday 13-19, Thursday 13-14, Thursday 14-16: Workshop)
- PRE-posisjoner/Future PRE positions by Tale Næss, listening station by the corner in the Reception. (The listening station is open all week.)
- 17:30: Film screening in the main auditorium “We wish you welcome to an active, inspiring and participatory day!”, 2017, one channel video, 30 min. Felix Gmelin (Thursday 25 January: Felix Gmelin in dialogue with Rike Frank about the film project at Stage 4)
- 18:00: Opening of Jorge Manilla Navarrete’s exhibition Fragments are not only small parts, the artist as researcher, a part of his research project «Other Bodies» at Galleri Seilduken (plan 2). About the exhibition: Work created after the interviews retains the poetic aspect by using branches found in the vicinity of the interviews, branches with their own personality. Anatomical dissections lead to new confronting interpretations and use of materials. Opening hours Wednesday-Friday: 16-19.
Wednesday 24 January
Note: Sessions 4 and 5 will run in parallel.
Session 4: Perspektiver på kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid (NO)
Time: 10:00–16:15 (lunch break 13:00–14:00)
Venue: Stage 4 (150 seats)
Innsikt og diskusjon om forholdet mellom kunstnerisk forskning, vitenskapelig forskning og kunstnerisk forskning i det frie profesjonelle feltet.
10:00-10:45 Verdensteatret
10:45-11:15 Nils Harald Sødal, stipendiat Operahøgskolen, KHiO
11:15-11:30 Kaffe
11:30-12:00 Heidi Marian Haraldsen, stipendiat, coaching og psykologi, NiH
12:00-12:30 Samtale med/mellom teorilærere, moderator Jon Refsdal Moe
12:30-13:00 Cecilia Roos, om VIS - nytt nordisk tidsskrift for kunstnerisk forskning
13:00-14:00 Lunsjpause
14:00-14:45 RITMO Senter for tverrfaglig forskning på rytme, tid og bevegelse - Alexander R. Jensenius
14:45-15:15 Marie Kølbæk Iversen, stipendiat Kunstakademiet, KHiO
15:15-15:30 Kaffe
15:30-16:15 Avsluttende paneldebatt
Session 5: Presentations of projects (EN)
Time: 10:00–17:00
Venue: Main Auditorium (90 seats)
- 10:00-10:45: Jeremiah Day: The ominous silence that answers us whenever we dare to ask, not “What are we fighting against” but “What are we fighting for?”. Read more about Day's presentation.
- 10:45-11:15: Anke Coumans, Hanzehogeschool Groningen MINERVA art Academie: The Relevance of Artistic Research in a social context. Why is it so difficult and at the same time so important for artistic research to relate itself to social environments?
- 11:15-11:30 Coffee
- 11:30-12:30: Jorge Manilla Navarrete, professor and subject area coordinator of the Metal and art jewellery department: Fragments are not only small parts, the artist as researcher. Read more about Manilla's presentation.
- 12:30-13:00: Michiel Johannes Jansen, Hanzehogeschool Groningen MINERVA art Academie: Time will tell. Read more about Jansen's presentation.
- 13:00-14:00: Lunch break
Film screenings:
- 14:00-15:30: "Segunda Vez", work-in-progress version (film release spring - summer 2018) by Dora García, 90 min. Read more about García's film.
- 15:30-15:45: Coffee
- 15:45-16:15: “We wish you welcome to an active, inspiring and participatory day!”, 2017, one channel video, by Felix Gmelin, 30 min. Read more about Gmelin's film.
Session 6: Book launch Jan Pettersson: Printmaking in the Expanded Field (EN)
Time: 17:00–19:00
Venue: The Library
- An informal discussion with professor Jan Pettersson, Head of Print and Drawing, around the publication Printmaking in the Expanded Field. The discussion will be moderated by Professor Theodor Barth together with Christina Lindeberg who is the Editor of the Swedish magazine Grafiknytt published by Grafiska Sällskapet in Stockholm. Read more about the book launch.
Thursday 25 January
Note: Session 9 runs parallel with sessions 7 and 8.
Session 7: In dialogue with (EN)
Time: 10:00–13:00 (lunch break 13:00–14:00)
Venue: Stage 4 (150 seats)
- 10:10-10:50 Ane Hjort Guttu in dialogue with Rike Frank
- 10:50-11:30 Tore Vagn Lid in dialogue with Theodor Barth
- 11:30-11:45 Coffee
- 11:45-12:25 Felix Gmelin in dialogue with Rike Frank
- 12:25-13:00 Finn Iunker in dialogue with Trond Lossius
Session 8: Thematics (NO/EN)
Venue: Various
One of these workshops requires separate registration. Click on the workshop below to read more.
- 14:00–17:00: Karen Disen og Hanne Riege: Attention Training
- 14:00–16:00: Trine Wester: Prøv tegning i Virtual Reality , in the Reception Gallery
- 14:00–15:00: Carle Lange: Phonotope , stage 6 (150 seats)
- 14:45–15:10: Coffee
- 15:10–16:00: Trond Lossius og Siren Tjøtta: Om Prosjektprogrammet (EN, for KHiO staff only)
Session 9: Amphibious Trilogies – Future Moves (EN)
Time: 10:00–16:00
Venue: Formrommet
This seminar is led by Professor Amanda Steggell with cooperating partners, Research Fellow Brynjar Bandlien, Professor Andrew Morrison and Professor Hans-Jørgen Wallin Weihe.
The intention is (i) to take stock of Amphibious Trilogies in the mid-stage of project, and (ii) by various means and perspectives, to explore and discuss the project’s potential future moves.
Several guests will be joining us – Professor Anne Grete Eriksen, Research Fellow Ingri Fiksdal, Associate Professor Snelle Hall, Assistant Professor Ingunn Rimestad, Professor Jeremy Welsh.
Working methods: workshop-based seminar; presentations, tasks, discussions.
Preliminary schedule:
- 10:00-10:30: Meet and greet
- 10:30-12:30: Presentations by the Amphibious Trilogies team
- 12:30-13:30: Lunch
- 13:30-15:30: Working session
- 15:30-16:00: Round up discussion
Session 10: Lotte Konow Lund, atelierbesøk (EN)
Time: 17:30–19:30
Venue: Oslo City Hall
Visit Associate Professor Lotte Konow Lund's studio in the tower of Oslo City Hall. Registration required.
Friday 26 January
Session 11: In dialogue with (EN)
Time: 10:00–12:40
Venue: Stage 4 (150 seats)
- 10:00-10:50 Gregor Bühl in dialogue with Jacopo Spirei
- 10:50-11:30 Ane Thon Knutsen in dialogue with Theodor Barth
- 11:30-12:00 Coffee
- 12:00-12:40 Tale Næss in dialogue with Cecilie Mosli
Summing-up the Artistic Research week
Time: 12:45–13:30
Venue: Stage 4