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Avgang BA billedkunst: Performance og workshop

Creativity Community by Hans Adell
Workshop, Tegnesalen

No prior knowledge is required. Bring a memory of being creative,
a creative upcoming project or a creative idea.
Share it equally, receive feedback from and give feedback to
fellow participants.

Everyone is welcome, the:
- self proclaimed novice or amateur
- shy
- unpretentious
- serious
- curious
- playful
- humble professional
- etc

Hans wish to contribute equally. Diversity is a benefit. Meeting techniques for inclusivity will be tried out.

Pre-registration needed.
14/5 17:00 - (pilot) already full
20/5 17:00 - please register (email to
21/5 17:00 - please register (email to
...and on demand - please register (email to

Kind regards
/Hans Adell

To see yourself from the outside by Hugo Hedberg & Karen Eide Bøen
Dance performance, 20 minutes
Formrommet /Undervisningssal 1

To see yourself from the outside is a dance piece where we talk a lot.
It comes from a physical investigation into the relationship between language
and movement. What comes first, speech or action?

Friday 12th 19:00
Saturday 13th 17:00
Sunday 14th 17:00

Valgfri Virkelighetsoppfatning Forlags kontortider av Rikke Sund-Carlsen og Fatou Åsbakk.

Velkommen til vurdering av din publikasjon med Rikke Sund-Carlsen og
Fatou Åsbakk.

Lørdag 13.05 -Tirsdag 16.05, klokka 13:00-16:00

The Hostess, The Cake Baker, The Chef by Linea H. Liukku

Over five days 40 people will have the chance to eat at my table.
I will serve cake.
You are invited!

Friday 12th 18:15 (6:15 pm)
Saturday 13th-Tuesday 16th 17:00 (5pm)
For reservations see my staff in the reception area during the exhibition
opening hours, or reserve a chair via e-mail:

To read the menu visit, or take your copy from the reception.
Note that I do not serve women at my table, I do however regret any
inconvenience this may cause.
/Your Hostess