
Avgang 2017: Soft command
To see and be seen as long as we are linguistic beings.
Karen Eide Bøen er avgangsstudent ved master koreografi. Forestillingen er andre del av hennes todelte avgangsprosjekt.
In the two works that result from my master project I do not escape my interest in power, the relationship between body and mind, nor my fascination+- with the physicality of sound and physical effects of language. Trying to work with sound as materialised movement in space, language made itself present and the voice turned out to be strong enough to manifest another layer of movement.
“Soft Command”
Performer: Alessandra Ruggeri /
Choreographer: Karen Eide Bøen
A woman opens the door and enters the room. When you enter a performance the situation is such that the performer knows more than you. Will you trust her? A woman opens the door and leaves the room. Will you follow her?
“To see yourself from the outside”
Makers and performers: Hugo Hedberg and Karen Eide Bøen
When you described how I cut the vegetables and my movements in the kitchen, I initially experienced it as just a voice in the background. But after a while it transitioned into a feeling of power. You could foresee how I would cut the vegetables, and it felt like you were instructing me.
Light design: Martin Myrvold
Costume design: Kristine Gjems
Supervisors: Snelle Hall, Erik Bünger and Amanda Steggell
Book advice: Melanie Fieldseth
Book design: Zahra Rashid
Technology: Florian Gutzwiller
Photo documentation: Eirik Slyngstad
Thanks for help and support: Roza Moshtaghi, Bente Alice Westgård, Ane Hjort Guttu, Bojana Cvejic, Per Roar Thorsnes, Anne Grete Eriksen, Saskia Holmqvist,
Roar Sletteland, Tolga Balci, Ingvild Isaksen and Sigbjørn Pilskog