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Digital, physical, as a shadow still

Digital, physical, as a shadow still

- new work by Allyce Wood

Open plinths, hand-tied ropes, thin wood woven into single forms are spread throughout the space; the gallery is storehouse for works frozen midway through a process that needs no end. What is industry, if not a list of products, ever improving? What is a nature documentary, but a view of species’ current evolutionary stage?

These specially considered found objects and raw materials have each been organized and exploited for the intrinsic qualities: the artist’s hand is evident, even when intercepted by technology. Each piece is translated from the raw to the formed to the digital to the interpreted and back, sometimes without a physical mark of the undergone process.

A sheet of plywood lists against the wall, a solid divisible. Hands and blades, loose measurements and dust, intention and transference of an idea leads to a form. Each object, whatever it is made of, is built over and over again. Sometimes perfectionism is the driving force, sometimes it is the love of the multiple, sometimes it is the fact of the matter. The matter, with its mineral composition and weight, is a changeable prop of possibility. Each turn, an option for translation, a new accent to speak in. Digital, physical, as a shadow, still.

Allyce Wood is first year student in master medium and material-based ar.