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FRANK presents: The Lost Dreams of Naoki Hayakawa

FRANK presents: The Lost Dreams of Naoki Hayakawa

Screening & Conversation by Ane Hjort Guttu and Daisuke Kosugi

Time: Sunday, January 8, 19.00 - 21.00
Place: Kunstnernes Hus Cinema, Wergelandsveien 17, Oslo

We will start off a new year of monthly salons dedicated to Scandinavian artists and filmmakers with the Norwegian premiere of the collaborative short film The Lost Dreams of Naoki Hayakawa (25 min.) by Ane Hjort Guttu and Daisuke Kosugi. The work was commissioned by the 11th Gwangju Biennale The Eighth Climate (What does art do?), curated by Maria Lind.

Art director Naoki Hayakawa works sixteen-hour days at a neo-totalitarian advertising agency in Tokyo. Extreme workplace pressure induces a mental condition in Naoki that puts him in a state somewhere between sleep and wakefulness, triggering strange and wonderful dreams and blurring reality and fantasy. When he tells his superiors about his state of mind, he is told to exploit his dreams by using them as prompts for his work.

Following the screening of the film, FRANK will engage in a conversation with Ane Hjort Guttu and Daisuke Kosugi concerning the collaborative nature of The Lost Dreams of Naoki Hayakawa, focusing on the relationships between documentary and fiction and reality and dreams. We will unpack the work’s central ideas, including the notion of dreams as a way to escape into free space as well as a way to digest reality and engage in rebellion.

The short will have its international premiere at CPH:DOX in March 2017 as a part of the NEW:VISION award program.

FRANK is an Oslo-based platform, established to nurture art and critical discourse revolving around gender, desire and sexuality. The platform operates in different locations and with various co-curators. Our aim is to build a community and create discussions that address hegemonic structures in society. FRANK is run by the artists Liv Bugge and Sille Storihle.

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