We Bleed the Same Color
Shi Pratt, student ved MA i koreografi holder en gratis forestilling 1. og 2. desember. Forestillingen er åpen for alle, og det er ingen billettbestilling.
Av: Karlsen Pratt
Koreografi: Shi Pratt
Dans: Zofia Jakubiec og Elisabeth Holth
Lysdesign: Kyrre Heldal Karlsen
Kostymer: Shi Pratt og Zofia Jakubiec
Musikkdesign: Kashi Katt
Musikk: Kashi Katt, Mum, Mugison, Bjork, Funkstorung, Valley of the Sun.
We Bleed the Same Color sets the viewer wandering between references to body, relationships, power, and the beauty of having a spiritual or physical companion.
Two women move freely about a masculine space, playing with the ever morphing relationships between them. They continuously search for meaning and belonging, looking for symmetry and attachment in the other. Their search for trust is exposed in a series of images of inherent familiarity and attempted adaption.
Karlsen Pratt
Shi Pratt