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Katarzyna Tomszewska_work
Katarzyna Tomszewska_work

Katarzyna Tomaszewska – Drawings

Katarzyna Tomaszewska is an artist and art educator from the Art and Design Academy in Wroclaw, Poland. She is the laureate of prestigious international awards, specializing in highly detailed works in pencil.

As our guest of the Erasmus + Programme, Katarzyna Tomaszewska will show some of her drawings in an exhibition in Katedralen, KHiO.

Opening in Katedralen: 12AM, 8th of april.

Katarzyna Tomaszewska

Selected exhibitions: 2024 ARTIADE Olympic of Arts, New York 2023 International Artist Prize Competition Art Revolution Taipei, International Woman’s Art Festival, Tirana 2021 ART UP MI Spring Issue, online exhibitoin, Milan 2020 X Triennale of Polish Modern Drawing, Lubaczów 2018 5th Bangkok Triennale International Print and Drawing Exhibition 2018 “In the Service of Art and Homeland”, The Gallery Roi Doré, Paris 2017 “My Drawings” Polish Institute New Delhi, India 2016 Premio Arte Roma, Stadio di Domiziano Museo, Rome 2015 16 INTERBIFEP International Biennial of Portrait Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2015 “The Base Line: An Exhibition on Drawing” ARC Gallery, Chicago

Selected awards: 2024 Finalist Fresh Legs Berlin 2023 Artistic Scholarships of the President of Wroclaw 2022 Nominated Emerging Scene Art Prize Dubai 2021 Finalist KOSCHATZKY ART-AWARD Wien, 2016 OSTEN AWARD, OSTEN BIENNIAL of DRAWING Skopje, Macedonia 2019 Honorable Mention CFA Artist of the Year Award 2017 Finalist FID Prize International Drawing Contest 2016 Basu Foundation for the Arts Award, Arte Laguna Prize, Italy (Residency in Kolkata) 2016 Serigraphy Fallani Award, Arte Laguna Prize (Residency in Murano) 2015 Certificate of Excellence CHELSEA INTERNATIONAL FINE ART COMPETITION, Agora Gallery, New York 2010 Prize of The International Association of Art – Europe VII. INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL OF DRAWING PILSEN