
Disputas: Eliot Moleba
Eliot Moleba forsvarer resultatet av sitt kunstneriske utviklingsarbeid "Alternative Histori[es]: A Place Where Something Happened".
Eliot Moleba er ph.d.-stipendiat i programmet for kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid ved avdeling Teaterhøgskolen, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo.
Det kunsteriske utviklingsarbeidet er tilgjengelig i Kunsthøgskolens vitenarkiv KHIODA.
Disputasen blir gjennomført på engelsk.
Sammendrag av prosjektet Alternative Histori[es]: A Place Where Something Happened
Jesper Halle, hovedveileder
Farnaz Arbabi, medveileder
Dora García, KHiO (committee Chair) professor in contemporary art, Oslo National Academy of the Arts, country, (leader)
Karmenlara Ely Seidman, professor, Norwegian Theater Academy, Norway
David Bassuk, Professor of Acting in the Conservatory of Theater Arts at Purchase College, SUNY, School of the Arts, NY, US
As an extension of the defense, the third monu(mo)ment, Kjersti's Line, will be officially opened afterward. The work will be installed outside Galleri Seilduken (on the street side of Steenstrups gate). Before that, we will gather at the main entrance to KHiO.
Join us to celebrate the end of my PhD journey and the beginning of the Monu(mo)ments Series, an initiative dedicated to turning stories of Norway’s diversity into interactive, performative works of public art.
Meeting: KHiO main entrace
Time: 15:30.
For those who will be at work during the defense, it is possible to join us afterwards.