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Forum Dans #10 Nikolina Pristaš: On Generosity in Artistic Research and Collective Work

Forum Dans #10 Nikolina Pristaš: On Generosity in Artistic Research and Collective Work

Nikolina Pristaš in conversation with Professor Bojana Cvejić.

…The concept of hosting defines both the work and working relationships of BADco. From the outset it has been used as a strategy for involving people from different contexts, disciplines, and countries in the work. By creating a very specific dramaturgy of generosity within unique performative environments of sharing, that […] also produce a resistance towards a culture of accounting, consumer-capitalism, neo-liberal evaluation-ideologies or imperialistic development aid, BADco.’s aesthetic generosity avoids a superior attitude towards its guests, because it is equally demanding of both hosts and guests. It is a generosity that does not coddle but rather asks for contributions and active participation. It means: Work. Working together. …
Florian Malzacher "Dramaturgies of Generosity: The Theatre of BADco."
Venice Biennale, Responsibilities for Things Seen, 2011.

A co-founding member of the internationally renowned Croatian theater collective BADco. (2000 – 2021), Nikolina Pristaš is a dancer – choreographer – teacher, and Assistant Professor at the Dance Department of the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb. For the most part of her artistic career until now her work was almost exclusively connected to BADco.. This is because besides the shared aesthetic interests, ethos, understanding of political urgencies, shared desire to learn and experiment with the form of performance, there was always a feeling of camaraderie between all people involved in BADco. and a joy of co-belonging that kept her inspired and motivated for more than twenty years.

As of recently she started working within a new artistic formation CO2… a couple of artists together with Goran Sergej Pristaš. CO2… a couple of artists could be explained as a formation that entangles the two of us in a series of encounters with artists, experts and students which may or may not happen, whose swerves may or may not generate series of new encounters and relations betweenart, bodies and urgencies that emerge as a result of the radical changes in our natural and cultural environment.

Forum Dans is arranged by the Academy of Dance at Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO). The forum seeks to open up and expand the space for debate and dialogue regarding relevant issues and topics within the field of dance.