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Utstilling, Performance

Illustration: AZA
Illustration: AZA

environment embodiment – towards poetic narratives

an installation durational performance by Fernanda Branco

PhD Final Appraisal

The PhD artistic research environment embodiment – towards poetic narratives has explored the concept of agency in the context of encounters between body and environment. The research inhabits hybrid spaces in genres, styles, artistic fields and media while braiding poetry, speculative fiction, facts and theory.

The artistic works are entangled with the uncanny, the imaginary and the poetics aspects of daily life and are based on the thematics of cycles, and extended temporalities within the planetary ecological crises.

The PhD’s final appraisal is the exhibition with the same name as the Artistic Research project, which exposes the artistic works and reflection as one. A durational performance, installations, short film performances and several Zine publications occupy three galleries and an outdoor wall.


20-24 of June 18:00 to 21:00 – ongoing


  • Gallery Seilduken 1 – Sympoieis 
  • Gallery Seilduken 2 – Redrawing
  • Skylight Gallery – Word Worldling
  • Outdoor KHiO wall – Itinerant Words 

Concept, Performance, Film, Installation, Costume Design, Text

Fernanda Branco


  • Dora Garcia
  • Rebecca Hilton



  • Ruy Cézar Campos
  • Fernando Codeço
  • Alyne Costa
  • Mariá Alejandra Gatti
  • Cezar Migliorin
  • Julia Naidin 
  • Walmeri Ribeiro

Drawing and words

  • Hilde Grønner Flikke
  • Ernesto Neto


Peter Azen


Stephan Meidell




Amanda Costa


Scenography Mentor for Seilduken 1

Marcelo Lipiani

Video Technician

Andres Arenas Zanabria

Scenography Maker for Skylight

Alice Vanini


Carla Wexels


Emil Kristoffer Gustafsson (KHiO)