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Avgang 2024: The Ideal of the Broken Down freely adapted from the stories by Alfred Sohn-Rethel

Avgang 2024: The Ideal of the Broken Down freely adapted from the stories by Alfred Sohn-Rethel

Pre-study to all the roles I could have played and did not
Nora Auerbach

“Between the sky above and the sky below, something was emerging that at first could not be grasped or described.”

A construction site: three people take a break from their work before starting again. Three stories of a traveller are told to the audience: an ascent of a volcano, a traffic jam and a reflection on the broken and the functional. What happens in those moments that make us stop and think before we continue with a story?

With: Antonia Harke, Stefán Hallur Stefánsson, IRA Weltbummler
Concept, Text and Artistic Responsibility: Nora Auerbach
Stage and Light Design: Nora Auerbach, Ben Denke

In collaboration with KHiO Tech-Department under the leadership of Kjetil Skåret
Costume: Signe Vasshus
Light: Ronnie Tungland
Stagemanager: Marius Arne Larsen
Teachers: Jon Jesper Halle, Mads Thygesen

Nora Auerbach
Master in CDPR in Frankfurt/Germany and at KHiO.