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Avgang 2024: SPUREN

Avgang 2024: SPUREN

Ben Denke

Like being pulled by invisible strings, people go their way, all those people. They hurry past you; you pay no attention to them. How do they look, who are they? Strangers in the same place. You hurry past them; they pay no attention to you. Why should they? A dutiful smile at the supermarket checkout, no more.

SPUREN is not a performance, SPUREN is a game. You compete with a group of performers. They are moving through the city using the tram, bus and underground. They try not to attract attention. Will you manage to read the traces they leave? Will you find them? The price for those who succeed: an encounter.


03.06.2024, 16:00
Start: KHiO
Open Performance: You can start later and elsewhere.
All information:

Concept and Artistic Responsibility: Ben Denke
Performers: Julie Bunimovicz, Mathias Eugen Engen, Patrick Kuoppamäki, Embla Moe, Stefán Hallur Stefánsson
Dramaturgical advice: Nora Auerbach
Costume: Signe Vasshus
Poster: Nanna Bruun
Teachers: Jon Jesper Halle, Mads Thygesen

Special credits to Parasites Ensemble (Cologne, Germany).

Ben Denke
Master in CDPR in Frankfurt/Germany and at KHiO.