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Francois Roche / Native Immigrant fugitive gender strategies bʌt ['a:Kitektʃə]

Francois Roche / Native Immigrant fugitive gender strategies bʌt ['a:Kitektʃə]

The talk is part of the cross-disciplinary course Spatial Narration conducted with students and professors from the departments of Fine Art, Design and Choreography.


‘S/he’ is the principal of ‘new-territories’. Androgynous, trans-gender avatar, _S/he_, created in 1994, authorized Francois Roche, native immigrant French architect to write, talk and teach on his/her behalf, as a PS / personal secretary, an Ariadne’s wire of his-her ectoplasmic system and paranoiac mind.

Exhibited among other places, at Pompidou Center, SF Moma, Barbican London, CCA Montreal, Tate Modern,…selected 10 times at Venice Biennial, in national and international Pavilion, including show at Chicago, Istanbul, Shenzen, Bangkok, Sydney, Vienna Biennales respectively in 2015, 2016, 2019, 2020, 2021. Main solo experiments, at Mam, Paris in 2006, ‘I’ve heard About’, at Le Laboratoire, Paris in 2011 ‘’Architecture of MOODs’’, at Frac Orleans “s/he would rather do FICTION MAKer”, France, in 2017 and the Last Solo Show Paris Oct. 2023 ‘’the Chamber of PastFuture’’.

New-Territories seeks to articulate the real and/or fictional, geographic situations and narrative structures that can transform them, with technology, biology, robotic and human natures, physiological and psychological. New-Territories emerged through the multitude of meeting points, friendship and dispute, in the hollow of critical postures and positions with sympathy, empathy, antipathy…

Among the teaching positions held by his-her P.S. F Roche, NewT has been guest professor, over the last decade, in London, Vienna, Barcelona, Los Angeles, Paris, in New-York from 2006 to 2014 at Columbia GSAPP University, six years at RMIT (2012-18), Melbourne, Vienna at ‘The Academy of Fine Arts’ (2017-18) and KHM (Digital Art School) (2022-2023)

‘’...experimentation has shifted to a new body of instrumentation, made up of tools, computation, machinisms, but also and simultaneously of fiction and lines of subjectivity, in synchronicity with our symptoms; of fear and here and now. An opportunity to explore correlated attitudes, codependent on the forms they underpin, through their conflicts and reciprocities. It’s about discovering a postdigital, posthuman world, postactivist, postdemocratic, postfeminist, a queer world... Androgynous, carnal, disquieting, disenchanting, pornographic, transitory, transactional, where the scenarios, devices, misunderstandings, psychic and physiological fragments are the very material of walls and ceilings, cellars and attics, schizoid and paranoid paranoia, in the hollows of operative and critical fictions... The androgynous folds and folds behind which... They... Hide, trigger confusions and epidermic reactions, suspicious hostilities, fantasized idealization, even premeditated oblivion....’’