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Avgang 2024: Bachelor samtidsdans

Avgang 2024: Bachelor samtidsdans

Studentene på bachelorprogrammet i samtidsdans viser i sin avgangsforestilling koreografien "For you" av Christina Gouzelis og Paul Blackman (Juksta).

Avgangsstudenter på bachelor samtidsdans

Sara Sandvik Arnestad, Arian Salomon Jenssen Etemady, Inger Flotve, Aasa Frøystein, Johannes Gudbrandsen-Stavland, Wiktor Matulewicz, Ida Mogensen, Matilde Sartori, Jil Sira, Oskar Vigren

For You

Why so why
Where monsters lie

For use and misuse
For ideologies and unbearable facts
Through which I walk
This unstable track

Bodies Bodies
Speak to me
A truth of silence
To set us free.

'For you' is a juxtaposition of how body and state can be viewed inside of a dynamic choreographic structure versus the body and spirit inside of a personal physical existential sensation. There are two dividing parts of the physical world we live in that live side by side, and in their differences, we may find the beauty that lies in the shadows of each other.

“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance” - (Aristotle)


3. år bachelor samtidsdans


Christina Gouzelis og Paul Blackman (Juksta)


Signe Vasshus


Oscar Udbye

Programansvarlig og produkjsonsansvarlig

Anne-Linn Akselsen

Klassementor 3.klasse samtid

Therese Skauge

Teknisk stab

Inspisient: Linda Marie Magnussen
Scenography Assistance: Ayana Ishihara

Takk til Live Karlsen og Jenny Krog fra 1BA for teknisk assistanse


Richard Wagner: Das Rheingold: Prelude, Interludes & Entry of the Gods into Valhalla
Sam Cooke: A Change is Gonna Come - Brian Owens and Thomas Owens

About the choreographers

Christina Gouzelis

Being raised in Canada and Greece, Christine Gouzelis is an established choreographer, performer, lecturer and artist. After working with an array of influential choreographers throughout her career such as Jasmin Vardimon, Wim Vandekybus, Anton Lachky, Linda Kapetanea & Josef Frucek, and David Zambrano, she now co-directs the JUKSTA Company since 2010, having created numerous works internationally and within established festivals and theatres including Götenburgs Operans Danskompani, Onassis Cultural Centre Athens, National Theatre Mannheim, St. Gallen Dance Company, Sadlers Wells, and Kalamata International Dance Festival among others.

Paul Blackman

Originally from Australia, Paul was introduced into the performing arts world by his acrobatic and circus-trained mother. Having the chance to work alongside a diverse group of influential artists, among them Jan Lauwers, David Zambrano, Jozef Frucek & Linda Kapetanea, Alexandra Liedtke, Matthias Hartmann, Grace Ellen Barkey, Susan Quinn, Felicity Bott, Ulrich Rasche. He is also the co-director of the JUKSTA Company which creates multi-scaled works with notable international recognition for theatres like Götenburgs Operans Danskompani, Teatro alla Scala, Wiener Staatsoper, and Athens Epidaurus Festival among others.

Ettersnakk fredag 7. juni

Det blir ettersnakk etter forestillingen fredag 07.06. Dette varer i ca. 30 minutter.