Utstilling, Performance

Avgang 2024: Wenche Sandra M. Disington / Exorcism: From the singing bottles. A Performance in 2/Two Acts
Wenche Sandra M. Disingto present her individual MFA graduation project.
To expel harmful spirits, as it has been done to the Sami people and
their culture the nature of the Sami faith.
What a negative behaviour, not looked at, needs to be processed
How to get further?
What holds one back?
Shame? Fault? Fear of repetition
Society prefers to look at the successful, but one must also
Be strong
Go ahead.
Nightmares that are driven out, that wakes you up at night.
The unpleasant things we avoid.
We may avoid what is demanding.
We will be the strong, the invincible, loneliness, regret, and guilt.
But not before
Then you walk the road alone,
then you go the way with a friend,
then you walk the path with a loved one,
maybe you go the way with God.
something that pulls at you, like the ruts on a horse.
then you go the way into the next existence,
What lives, waits.
Over the years
Look inward, look outward, look back, look forward.
Spend time.
Suddenly it’s urgent.
You run.
Feeling of the wind
Feel the breath of the forest and the flowers, the snow, and the rain.
Running because you must, and you must be free.
More performance times/opening hours will be announced