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First year master students in graphic design and illustration invite you all to a visual exploration of paper at Grafills Hus.

Paper! Always there, but never in the spotlight. Well well well, those days are long gone. First year master students in graphic design and illustration at KHiO invite you all to a visual exploration of paper. For the last ten weeks, we have been researching paper both as a material and a subject. We have been cutting, collecting, creating, cooking, embossing, destroying, printing, folding, heating, scanning and investigating. We can only guarantee you one thing: there will be paper.

Featuring: Thea Monteverde, Zofia Biedzka, Helena Blessing, Kainat Jawaid, Ragne Helene Solum Mathiesen, Per Brehmer, Saralinn Hembre Singstad, Oona Joronen

Welcome to the vernissage 16.11. at 18:00! There will be refreshments. In paper cups!

21.11. at 17:00 we have the pleasure of hearing more about paper from different experts: paper conservator Siv Gran from The National Museum, artist Marit Roland and Braille expert Kari Rudjord.