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Open Forum: Ryan Cullen & Henrik Olai Kaarstein /On the Subject of Reality

Open Forum: Ryan Cullen & Henrik Olai Kaarstein /On the Subject of Reality

In On the Subject of Reality artists Ryan Cullen & Henrik Olai Kaarstein examine the media form of reality television and its brief history.

The talk presents examples from various reality television programs, and deconstructs the philosophical, political, and aesthetic implications of their production and editing techniques.

Through an intersection of psychoanalytic, historical-materialist, and sociological perspectives, Cullen and Kaarstein build a complex critique of populist entertainment and mass psychopathy.

The event is free and everyone is welcome.

Open Forum is a student-run initiative from the Academy of Fine Art in Oslo that facilitates lectures, talks and other live events within fluid settings. We gather the voices of different cultural workers, artists, curators and organizations operating in and out of Norway, to create a dynamic space for a meaningful exchange of ideas and debate between our community.

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