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Photo: Ingrid Eggen
Photo: Ingrid Eggen

Avgang 2023: Soo Fadhiiso

Soo Fadhiiso is Sulekha Ali Omar’s graduation project in master choreography at KHiO. 

"Togetherness and loneliness, performances of excess and stigmatization, sexual conquest
and drunken collapse, joy and despodency, interweave into an unsteady form whose tensions become the very force of its own pleasure. As an ontological construct, a worlding expression, the party is always moving toward excess - it gravitates, or works its way there, where territorial lines are continuously drawn only to be erased, limits breached or disputed, defining a rhythm, a pulsating beat that continues to a point of exhaustion, a going too far. To party is to work at wreckage."

Aguado V., del Buey R., LaBelle B. (2021), Party Studies, Togetherness and Wreckage, pp14-15. Madrid, AMEE


Performers: Katherina Horup Solvang, Ingelin Sandnes Knutzen, Sigyn Åsa Sætereng, Eline Vaaje
Concept and choreographer: Sulekha Ali Omar
Sound Design: Øystein Skippervold Braut
Set Designer: Ida Høiklev Ribu
Light Design: Martin Myrvold
Costume: Hedda Simonsen Lund
Baker: Javon Bennett
Production Assistant: Sanghoon Lee, John Luna
Documentation: Tania Musina
Programme Photo: Ingrid Eggen
Voice Workshop: Tori Wrånes
Outside eye: Lea Basch

External Supervisor: Ilse Ghekiere
Internal Supervisor: Bojana Cvejic, Anne Grete Eriksen, Per Roar

KHiO Technical Department: Ida Lome Brevik, Are Engebretsen, Kjetil Skåret, Olaf Stangeland

WOW! Thank you all so much for joining me on this journey towards my masters in choreography!

I would also like to thank my fellow classmates at the MA Choreography and MA Dance. My fellow students, in the hallways, elevators, cafeteria and around campus at KHIO. Thank you to the cantine staff at KHIO for great service, and for always laughing at my bad jokes or making me smile with your own jokes. Thank you so much to my lovely friends out there, you know who you are, for encouraging me, motivating me, helping me do my best and just giving me love and support always. And last but not least my best boys in life Nils and Silas and my family!