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Ina Blom: “Passive Viewing: Video Watching Television and the New Public Sphere”

Ina Blom: “Passive Viewing: Video Watching Television and the New Public Sphere”

Art historian Ina Blom gives an open lecture on video, social memory and the relationship between art, technology, media and politics.

Foto: Nasjonalbiblioteket

In her lecture, Ina Blom, deals with how analog video appears to have been a site where changes in “social memory/social ontology” were registered. Rather than a conventional approach looking at the boundaries between art, technology and the social, she is reversing the problematic in tracing “the effectuating powers of a memory – analog video – that used artistic frameworks.and art-related materials” in addition to “other objects, perceptual systems” enabling her to expand the “time-critical operations”.

Ina Blom is Professor at the Dept. of Philosophy Classics History of Art and Ideas at the University of Oslo and Visiting Professor at the Dept. of Art History, University of Chicago. Her fields of research are modernism/avant-garde studies and contemporary art with a particular focus on media aesthetics and the relationship between art, technology, media and politics. She is also an art critic and contributes to Artforum, Afterall, Parkett, and Texte zur Kunst. Her most recent books are On the Style Site, Art, Sociality, and Media Culture (2007/2009) and The Autobiography of Video. The Life and Times of a Memory Technology (2016).