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Clothes and Choreography: Wencke Mühleisen and Tua Helve

Clothes and Choreography: Wencke Mühleisen and Tua Helve

Moderated talk on genderperspectives in media, entertainment, art, with Wencke Mühleisen and Tua Hvelve.

Clothes and choreography

The course "Clothes and Choreography - an interdisciplinary research" is a collaboration between two departments at Oslo National Academy of the Arts, the Dance and Design Departments with their group of master students in Choreography and Costume design. The course consists of open lectures and a workshop.

"Clothes and Coreography" explores the boundaries of what is what in the meeting point between the dancer's body movements and clothing. Where does the dancer's body end and where does the clothes begin? What occurs in the fusion between the moving body and the clothes? How does the costume influence our view of the dancer's movement?

With the question What are clothes to dance? - students, teachers, artists and theorists are invited to an interdisciplinary research laboratory spanning over four weeks in the autumn of 2016. The laboratory will be characterized by an investigative attitude and is process oriented. The result is a presentation/ display of the most interesting laboratory discoveries. Read more about the course here.

Wenke Mühleisen

Wencke Mühleisen is a Norwegian-Austrian writer, gender and media scholar and former performance artist.

Tua Hvelve

Tua Helve

Photo: Costume in Focus.

Tua Helve has an MA degree (2008, clothing design) at the University of Lapland. Doctoral candidate 2012– at Aalto University, Department of Film, Television and Scenography. Lectures in Orientation to Research for BA students and Dance Costume History. MA thesis supervisor (2014), BA thesis examiner (2014). Articles on contemporary dance costume design (2008, 2009). Member of Finnish Costume Research Terminology Work Group/Bank of Finnish Terminology in Arts and Sciences. Vice member of Aalto University Department of Film, Television and Scenography grade evaluation group. Main research interest in the philosophy of contemporaneous dance costume and the practice of dance costume design in the West. Doctoral dissertation focus on Finnish contemporary dance costume design.