
Creek Creature
We would like to invite you all to the opening of the fourth exhibition this semester, Creek Creature by Sigvei Ringvold & Kristján Breki.
Breadbox hopes that you will take a couple of minutes of your time to come down (or up) to the café. As always, Breadbox will supply coffee to the attendees, so if you haven't eaten already, think about bringing your lunch! Opening 4PM June 2nd. Come see, listen and stay for a while. See you there!
Artwork made by Sigvei Ringvold, and collaborator Kristján Breki.
The artwork's name is Creek creature.
The sculpture is made out of elm (wood), carved and gnawed.
Artwork was previously exhibited in my mothers guinea pig box in Iceland.
Exhibited for 2 guinea pigs Biscotti and Bialetti.
"My mother was the director of the exhibition in Iceland, my mother invited friends over to see the exhibition in her home. She also wanted to stream for my sister, because my sister originally owned the guinea pigs. We streamed the guinea pigs on twitch.tv for a week from 19-25 of may. One of the main objectives of the exhibition was to interact with guinea pigs and document the exhibition. We documented through a diary as well as streaming and many different letters to one another. I also sent a letter to a different exhibition space called formic which is an exhibition space for ants in Denmark. Inspired by It, I wanted to make a space for guinea pigs, and now the artwork Creek creature travels from the guinea pigs box has now landed in the bread box. The bread box has a special event on opening day where the artist is present in the cafeteria and there is coffee and an open discussion. That fits very well into what this artwork is about."