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Avgang 2022: minus pluss minus equal plus

Avgang 2022: minus pluss minus equal plus

Art and Craft Master degree show 2022 åpner 3. juni kl 17 på KHIO.

Exhibiting artists:

Amina Baker Muhammeds Shubar, Ingrid Aarvik Berge, Shitika Agrawal, Ebbe Arneberg, Alexandra Booker, Joel Correia, Renate Dahl, Jad El Khoury, Sarah Frederikka Gunner-Svensson, Hanna Halsebakke, Sunniva Havstein, Nicholas Kristoffer Fox, Kamil Kak, Kari Kolltveit, Karoline Kvalheim, Hågen Gade, Xin Liang, Debangona Paul, Julia Katarina Persson, Karen Tjomsland Pettersen, Susanne Roti, Jan-eric Wold Skevik, Asta Marie Tutavae Iversen, Magnus Vanebo, Rosanna Leonor Vibe, Amalie Vöge Jensen, Mari Ulland, Anna Weilhartner, Lill Yildiz Yalcin

Curatorial Statement

“A black hole at the heart of the dwarf galaxy Henize 2-10 is creating stars rather than gobbling them up.”
- NASA Jan 19, 2022. (Editor, Andrea Gianopoulos)

A new discovery was announced by NASA in January 2022. The galaxy Hezine 2-10 contains a black hole unlike any seen before: Instead of consuming stars, it produces them. While the past couple of years have been something of a black hole, they have also been a time of re-evaluation and re-birth.

minus plus minus equals plus – the 2022 degree show for the Medium and Material-based Art, and Art and Public Space pathways of the Art and Craft department of Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO) – considers how challenging circumstances may stimulate surprising new understanding. The culmination of the MA studies of the twenty-nine graduating artists, this exhibition offers a rich mix of creative ideas, materials, concepts, and processes that embody their hopes for what lies ahead, be those political, social, environmental or personal.

minus plus minus equals plus has been curated by Nicholas John Jones (Founder and director of PRAKSIS, Oslo) and the graduating artists together with members of the KHiO Arts and Craft team.