Faux Fair Pilot
Faux Fair is not merely a book fair, but a fake fair breaking the rules and opening the possibilities for artists' publishing. With around thirty KHiO artists participating in this inaugural public art fair, join us in the library to browse, banter and buy books.
12:00 - 16:00 Public book browsing
16.00 - 18.30 Public book browsing and bar (pizza and beer*(non-alcoholic)
Aksel-Dev Dhunsi
Ane Hjort Guttu
Ane Thon Knutsen
Anna Weilhartner
Araitz Mesanza
Bendik Syversætre Johannessen
Camilla Luihn
Emil Kjærnli
Henrik Follesø Egeland
Iris Korsnes
Johan Andrén
Karina Sletten
Lexie Owen
Lisa Rosendahl
Magnus Munkholm Konopljak
Maryam Jafri
Markus Moestue
Mathilda Skoglund
Merete Røstad/Siri Solveig Nathalie Hermansen/MAPS
Mikal Diego Rojas Bøckman
Nora Mauroy
Patricia Carolina
Petrine Vinje
Robel Temesgen Bizuayehu
Siri Hermansen/Black Snow Press
Soo Jin
Tiril Haug Johne
Tris Vonna-Michell
Victoria Ydstie Meyer
Zarina Saidova/Master 1 Design og Illustrasjon klassen
Marte Johnslien
Social Media Links: https://www.instagram.com/khiobiblioteket/
Design Credit: Levi Holt Bratland https://leviholtbratland.no/