Avgang 2022: Mine blomster vil for alltid blomstre, Sangene mine kommer aldri til å stoppe
Cirenia Escobedo Esquivel presenterer sitt avgangsprosjekt i master billedkunst, på Black Box, KHiO.
A story in which my face did not look reflected
Stories in which there were cracks without mending
Eye bring you back to the foundations
Foundations that remain under the surface of the sea
They come to life with our songs
Every step makes them clearer
I've been looking for it for several life times
Tracing a story that resembles mine
Varied faces sharing the sight
The collectivity of the spirit that has been so many
Collective imagination of those of us who have already come and those who continue to arrive
if you close your eyes you can find
noise carries with it distractions
if you leave the fear
you can arrive
I invite you today to celebrate
a voice of many
latent stories
they are seen and told from the periphery
they are not tales
they are real
is not far
it's your truth
and your truth
It's mine
Opening: February 14th, 19.00.
Avgang i master billedkunst 2022
Avgangsstudentene på master i billedkunst eksamineres på bakgrunn av individuelle utstillinger. Det skal gi større rom for eksperimentering, men også muligheter for samarbeid på den tradisjonelle gruppeutstillingen på Kunstnernes Hus. Studentene deltar fortsatt på gruppeutstilling på Kunstnernes hus, men den er ikke lenger del av eksamen.