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Independence days book launch

Independence days book launch

Maryam Jafri in conversation with Tominga O'Donnell.

Due to local and international Covid-19 developments the event is now taking place online, on Zoom and Facebook Live.
Join on Zoom     


We welcome you for a book launch of Maryam Jafri’s publication Independence Days (2021), published by TAXISPALAIS Kunsthalle Tirol and Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König.

Tominga Hope O’Donnell, Senior Curator of Contemporary Art at MUNCH, Oslo and Associate Professor, MA in Curatorial Practice, University of Bergen, will talk with the artist about this expanded version of her photo installation Independence Day 1934-1975 (2009–).
The work juxtaposes and arranges 234 photographs sourced over ten years of research in 40 archives across Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, including many from rare and at-risk collections. Independence Days is an investigation of the role played by photography in mid-twentieth-century decolonization processes.

The event is free and open to all.