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Open Lecture: Billy-Ray Belcourt / Reflections on Poetic Method and Decolonization

Open Lecture: Billy-Ray Belcourt / Reflections on Poetic Method and Decolonization

In this talk, Billy-Ray Belcourt will reflect on the uses of poetic inquiry for decolonial struggles in Canada.

Register in advance for this webinar: khio-no.zoom

In this talk, Billy-Ray Belcourt will reflect on the uses of poetic inquiry for decolonial struggles in Canada. Using his own creative-critical approach as a case study and in conversation with theorists in Indigenous and Black studies, Belcourt will outline what it means to write/make art that begins from the presupposition that the present isn't all there is.

Billy-Ray Belcourt is from the Driftpile Cree Nation in Alberta, Canada. He lives in Vancouver where he is an Assistant Professor in the School of Creative Writing at the University of British Columbia. His books are THIS WOUND IS A WORLD, winner of the 2018 Canadian Griffin Poetry Prize, NDN COPING MECHANISMS: NOTES FROM THE FIELD, and A HISTORY OF MY BRIEF BODY.

This talk will be moderated by Marie Kølbæk Iversen, PhD Research Fellow at the Academy of Fine Art in Oslo. This lecture is a part of the Academy of Fine Art’s public program. See the full program: