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Title: The Alter of Institutions. Art Organization as Commons.
Title: The Alter of Institutions. Art Organization as Commons.

Open Lecture: Marco Baravalle

The Alter of Institutions. Art Organization as Commons.

This lecture is the first of three open lectures that are connected to professor Dora Garcia's course "Comrade, how to build new institutions?".

Register in advance for this webinar

The last 10/15 years have been characterized by a general shift from institutional critique to institutional invention or re-invention, a process involving artists, curators, museum operators and activist collectives. What kind of problems and possibilities this wave of alter-institutionality carries with it? What makes an art institution alter in comparison to a neoliberal one?

Marco Baravalle is a member of S.a.L.E. Docks, a collective and an independent space for visual arts, activism, and experimental theatre located in what had been an abandoned salt-storage facility in Dorsoduro, Venice, Italy. Founded in 2007, its programming includes activist-group meetings, formal exhibitions, and screenings. Baravalle is a research fellow at INCOMMON. In praise of community. Shared creativity in arts and politics in Italy (1959-1979), a project hosted by IUAV, University of Venice. He is a member of IRI (Institute Of Radical Imagination), a think-tank inviting political scientists, economists, lawyers, architects, hackers, activists, artists and cultural producers to share knowledge on a continuous base with the aim of defining and implementing zones of post-capitalism in Europe’s South and the Mediterranean.

Guest lecture series: Comrade, how to build new institutions?

18 Feb – Marco Baravalle, 3 pm open lecture
19 Feb – Ólafur Ólafssson & Libia Castro, 3 pm open lecture
25 Feb – Dmitry Vilensky, 3 pm open lecture