Academy Lectures: Kristian Øverland Dahl og Steinar Haga Kristensen
Academy Lectures' serie "Skin Talk Tongue Touch - Conversations with the Faculty" presenterer Kristian Øverland Dahl og Steinar Haga Kristensen.
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Academy Lectures har gleden av å invitere deg til en samtale mellom kunstnere Steinar Haga Kristensen og Kristian Øverland Dahl.
Teknikaliteten og prinsippets viktighet i møte med bildet - fruktbare handlingsrom i møte med malerens nyttige idioti stilt overfor tvilens språklige forfengelighet og omveltningens overdrivelser.
Under samtalen vil kunstnerne spille ut sin fascinasjon for maleriets iboende urenhet - konflikten mellom bilde og representasjon, samt hestens strålende anatomi. Steinar er uttalt skeptisk til tvil, mens Kristian er dypt engasjert i ansiktets endeløse uutgrunnelighet, begge forsøker de å håndtere det faktum at de elsker mennesker.
Samtalen vil foregå på norsk.
Steinar Haga Kristensen
Steinar Haga Kristensen (b.1980, Oslo, Norway) lives and works in Oslo. He has exhibited at The Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania; Bergen Art Museum, Bergen; Etablissement d’en face projects, Brussels; WIELS Contemporary Art Centre, Brussels; Kunsthall Oslo, Oslo; Witte de With, Rotterdam; Museum of Contemporary Art, Roskilde; UKS, Oslo and Den Frie, Copenhagen, Denmark. Haga Kristensen is educated at the Academy of Fine Art, Oslo, Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Wien and Sydney College of Art, and was granted the Oslo City Hall studio 2013-2015.
Kristian Øverland Dahl
Kristian Øverland Dahl (b.1968, Asker, Norway) is a visual artist and associate professor of contemporary art at the Academy of Fine Art at KhiO. Dahl lives and works in the Oslo area and was educated at the Academy of Fine Art at KhiB, Bergen.
Dahl has exhibited extensively on the local scene and has also exhibited at TONUS, Paris, France; CAC, Vilnius, Lithuania; Art Space Sydney and ICAN, Sydney, Australia; Ringsted Galleriet, Ringsted, Denmark; Statens utstilling, Kunsthall Oslo, LNM, GAD and UKS, Oslo, Norway. Dahl is politically active as board member in NBK, and holds different other positions in artist politics.
Kristian Ø. Dahl has been one of three in (the now disbanded) artist group D.O.R.